Sharing sounds and parameters to other patterns : Kits

Never tried!!!

Pls tell me this is not so…

Elektron- wtf are you doing? If I copy 3 patterns, when I make adjustments I want them across the patternscape. Now I have to go in to every pattern and match every change. Ridiculous!

Sort it out pls. A simple ‘apply changes to all patterns’ option shouldn’t be that hard…

Analog 4 and MD UW user here.

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There wont be kits.

but save the changes to a sound is the easiest way to update in other patterns.

And there’s me thinking it was a sampling drum machine. Why do they always give me a reason to ditch their products?

It would be great to have a “kit mode” in the Digitone, with the sequencer independent from the sound.

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Digitone doesn’t sample


Hehe…yes sorry…got to this thread from a google search! Same applies tho…

Well done for pointing it out…

(edited for crappy sleep deprived tone)

[I don’t know about anyone else, but] I don’t [just] want to jam on a pattern aimlessly I [also] want to make actual [unrestricted] songs. I have drum kits figured out with multi map and midi loop back but realizing immediately after making a multi pattern loop that I want to have live control over a sounds filter and have it persist…

It makes me [a little frustrated] that these boxes tend to dictate the structure and genre of the music created on them. I want to be able to use just one device [for composing and performing], and there’s nothing technically forbidding it from being possible this is just a [lamentable] restriction Elektron decided to set.

I don’t want to just be a complainer so how about a proposal… let’s call it Kit Lock. Activate with PTN+SOUND MANAGER. Which then turns a new color, like green. In this mode the sounds do not change when you switch patterns. Done.


I’m sorta making contact with this issue at the moment.

There’s a lot of ways the Digi boxes simplified the Elektron workflow previous, and some aspects are improvements.

Ultimately I do think the ‘Kits’ workflow confused people, but once you get working on a Digi you realise something is lost.

Per Patten sound is still a good concept. But I think a simple option Per Pattern would be an easy fix.

A Pattern could either use the ‘Pattern’ sound, or the ‘Track’ sound. No need for Kits and naming copy paste etc etc. just a simple toggle. And if you toggle it across multiple patterns it carries across.

The specifics are probably more complicated than that, though, from an engineering pov, for instance how a track references a particular sound. I suppose if working in a Track mode, that track would actually need to point to a particular pattern.

So in the Sound settings for that track would maybe be the toggle, Track or Pattern, then a pattern select, for the reference pattern.

Edit: Actually I guess that’s more what this needs to be, track sound referencing.

So in sound settings it could be


where pattern is the default, but then the user could select Pattern 1 - 16 for that bank as their preferred sound source.

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@Elektron, please,please, look into a solution for this, it’s the biggest usability pain point across your small black boxes. One of the reasons these boxes get sold on resulting in less hardware sales for you folks.

I have been using an analog 4 mk1, analog rytm mk1 and Octatrack mk2 for years now. I recently tried switching to Diigitakt and Digitone. I am very pleasantly surprised by the sound design capabilities of the Digitone. But this issue discribed here is a thing I need to get used to and “sabotages” my workflow a bit. I am used to working with kits. If I change a sound, I want it to change on all my patterns, like on the analogs. I see people have been making remarks about this since 2018, so I don’t expect an update on it soon. But if anyone on @Elektron is reading this. Making an update with soundkits as on the analogs would really be appreciated.