Should I Buy A Digitakt

There is no transient detection at all. I don’t know about the Octatrack. I only own a Digitakt.


No, OT detects zero crossings, and it’s only on one side (right or left) so it doesn’t guarantee totally that you’ll avoid plops.
But no transient detection per se.

On OT what you can do is slicing with a grid a chain of evenly spaced samples.

I don’t own one but you might want an MPC, from what you describe.


definitely know, and makes me mad sometimes !

Damn. I’m now wondering if I need a desktop sampler at all, Koala Sampler on the iPad seems to fit most of my needs :rofl: actually that’s not a joke!

You should look at Loopy Pro too. It is brand-new and doesn’t have all the features you want (yet) but it is quite impressive.

You’re spot on maybe.

The MPC is most like a software/ipad sampler in terms of feature richness, but then if you dig the immediacy of Koala and don’t mind the ipad as an interface why go down the MPC route.

The OT is more of a performance sampler, live manipulation is its forté. It’s unique and phenomenal at that, I rarely recommend it to people who are looking for a more production focused sampler.

The DT is more of a one-shot sampler / playback device, I think of it as a sample-based drum machine, not necessarily a sampler in the complete sense (it’s amazing at what it does though)

You may also want to have a look at the Toraiz SP16. Might just have what you want, but then again, if you dig the iPad and all the amazing apps available for it, just stick to that until something else specifically is calling you.

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I wouldn’t buy a DT at this point. I would imagine as old as it is that it’s due for a refresh/V2 soon.

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DT got me started down the hardware road a few years back and though it has ‘limitations’ I suppose, it’s super fast and fun. I sold mine a few months after I got my OT, but I’m a huge OT fan. Different strokes.
BlackBox and MPC’s might be worth a closer look. It you didn’t like the OT or Deluge it’s hard to predict what it is you’re actually looking for. Simplicity? BlackBox sounds awesome and is fairly straightforward

Have you considered going the MPC route?

DT is a already achieved a classic status IMO, you can never go wrong with it. However, if you are looking for a production powerhouse, DT certainly isn’t that. I’d describe it as a great tool for someone who’d record a live take or two, making beats, vibing with the machine rather than producing sussed out “songs”.

As a few have said, maybe check out the new MPC line. Also if not mentioned BlackBox. I have never owned a DT, I would in a heart beat but not a fan of non-removeable storage and having to use software to transfer data.

You want an MPC One. Great bit of kit.

maybe it’s somewhere in the thread, but how do you use a sampler? i feel like that will determine whether the DT makes sense for you. it seems like the MPC/SP workflows lend themselves to easier chopping and sampling directly into them to get going quickly. people use the DT this way, but i almost never do. the slicing limitations and other stuff are a little disappointing, but otherwise, it’s a super quick instrument to use. it’s flexible, built well, portable, and can do a ton of stuff. i don’t know whether you should get one. it really depends on how you intend to use it and what your expectations are.

I don’t necessarily need a box to be able to produce a completed track, more interested in processing/mangljng samples (as far as the sampler side goes). I guess it’s hard to nail down. I don’t want to be hard on the Deluge as I love it as a concept but it still is packed full of frustrating design/UI oversights that don’t seem to have the developers attention. And that’s fine, the product is theirs to drive as they desire and I’m sure the upcoming features such as MPE might appeal to some. More and more as I switch around my setup I’m feeling the jack-of-all features of the Deluge are not compatible with how I want to use it. Again, I don’t want to descend into overly criticising the Deluge. It’s a unique box but I feel it’s trying to appeal to too many types of workflow without ever nailing any particular one. Maybe that’s just me.

In that case an OT may be in order…it’s a beast when it comes to that use case (in my book the most playable sample mangler of all) and it’s much easier to learn than its myth would have you believe.

I’m well versed with the OT as I had two MK1s. I had issues that I can’t really fully recall now which led me to sell them (didn’t have them at the same time!) - wasn’t the complexity I think it was the ever expanding number of unmemorable key combos. Maybe. I have wondered from time to time whether a MkII would appease the issues I had with the MK1.

I was even going to add “Mk2” but then thought that that might seem too specific a reference lol. I think the Mk2 is much more user friendly with the few extra buttons it has (but of course it’s still an OT)

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The more reading I do the more I’m very attracted to the Polyend Tracker. Any PT users who’ve had OT/DT/Deluge care to comment?

the mpc is a sample mangling monster/ sequence mangling monster as well… If I were you I would look into the specific features it has that lend themselves to glorious sample and sequence mangling…

I have an Deluge and understand how you’re not vibing with it but can still appreciate the great things about it…

the DT is exquisite at mangling and the combination of the DT/MPC One is a match made in heaven… not to mention the Elektron and Akai sequencers really, really, really, compliment each other.

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I was just going to suggest taking a look at the Tracker after some of your later posts. :smiley:

It slices, and has much more sample manipulation potential. If you don’t mind the tracker interface, it’s an excellent option. I miss mine actually. I like the Digitone Digitakt pair, so I went back to that. The Tracker is a great option though.