Should I get one?

I’ve just seen a new second hand Analog Heat MKii in my area for 550€.

I’ve got a DT and a DN, and I’m making mostly electropop, coldwave…

There are not many second hands Heats in my area, so this can be a good opportunity. I’ve been attracted to it for a while, but hadn’t got the opportunity to try it.

Do you think I should get it? Pros and cons.

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Sounds like you want it. That‘s your best answer then :wink:


Yes, of course, but it’s a good amount of money for my budget, I need to make wise decisions.

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i think it will complicate your workflow, because you will think about where to put it in the audio chain constantly… also it has no projects and only 128presets, so no easy project loading across all devices… if you route dt in dn (simple setup) vs. if you use a mixer and or computer, maybe with OB, will also affect the usefulness, i guess


My point being, it‘s an excellent device and you seem to be interested in it. On what basis can people tell you to get it? The quality of the device and its sound as such? Well the Heat is well loved and praised all around, so if you understand what it does and if you‘re looking for that functionality you can‘t go wrong with the Heat.

Now does it suit your music or your setup or your budget…hard to impossible to say.

My advice would be, consider if you NEED and/or WANT its functionality (master filter, master compressor, master saturation/distortion) and if yes, go for it. At 550€ for a Mk2, you‘d be striking a nice deal.

EDIT: I don‘t own one for the specific reason nionmu states (where to put it?) - but I‘ve recently rewired my live setup and would now place it on the master bus. Just holding out for a decent deal myself.


Get it, try it: you can always resell it later with no loss!.


I’m using a mixer, so it should be easy to put between the DT and the mixer, the DN and the mixer, or at the output of the mixer.

I’m using a computer and overbridge from time to time, mostly to record.

You can always get a Sherman Filterbank :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: .


or use it on an aux send, if mixer has one… ok, as other said, just treat yourself with a nice piece of gear and try it, sell it with not much loss, if you dont want it! :slightly_smiling_face:

And that’s what the aux send is for! :sweat_smile:

Like others suggested, just get it and try it out. It all depends on the sound you want to achieve but it will bring your digis sound to life for sure. I recommend you to use it with Overbridge as the layout is so much better than the tiny screen and it can make any of your virtual synth sound dope without having to use a load of VSTs and plugins.

I had it and resell it. It’s a very cool device for what is do really: distortion and sound processing. You can use it on master but it add lot of color and finally you will always use it with the same settings everytime: no filter, clean boost or saturation, and every settings in a very subtle ways.
I think it don’t worth that money for this usage, you better spend your money in mixing and mastering plugins on computer for that task.
But yeah, if you want destroy single source of sound, it’s very cool and worth the price.

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Totally buy one. The complete square boxes trio is so much more than the sum of its parts. Speaking from experience.

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I’m ashamed to admit I have a factory sealed box for 6 months now. Really should get it out

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For what else would you use the money?

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100% buy it! You’ll get your money right back if you don’t like it.

I was on the Heat for quite awhile. I agree with @blaize even when you run it netrual, it colors the sound and in time, I grew tired of it because it made all my tracks sound the same. Obviously, that’s because I never pushed the more destroyer parts of it too hard, but rather applied what it could do in subtle ways, and since it can do so much, a little subtle from the Heat still adds a tremendous lot. But it was hard to get away from it, when you tried to use it just by sculpting the sound to be say cleaner, heavier or whatnot.

I actually had a Sherman Filterbank on trial for awhile as well. While it felt like the more specific unit at the time, and I returned it as a result, I would’ve kept the Filterbank today if I’d had it and could afford it. That one went to far more varied and stranger places. Though just to get the sound in shape and play nice, yeah, that’s not Sherman’s thing :slight_smile:


Hearing people say that they bought the Heat and then just left it set to the same settings makes me put my face in my hands. What lol? Tweak the filter, roll in more distortion and then back it off while bringing the clean back in, work the knobs and tweak the thing on your drums or add distortion to your piano patch on the Digitone, etc. I’ve used one and seen many demos of it being used, it’s really a performative device just like the rest. You do have to love filtering and distortion though… but who doesn’t!?

No offense circuitghost and blaize, but set it and forget it with the Heat is just strange.


Well, I have a pretty long wishlist (things of many different prices):

  • A better computer.
  • A DAW license.
  • Upgrading my nord electro to a nord stage.
  • Some other synth.
  • The complete collection of samples from mars.
  • Just keep the money for now.
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So where does an Analog Heat fit in your wishlist?