Show us the view from your window

Some of these are really making me pine for nature

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Looking to the right (southwest view).

Towards the Gila River Native American Reservation (Pee-Posh & Akimel O’odham tribes) by those mountains back there.

Everybody has green lush stuff.
We have rocks, sand, thorns, lizards, and scorpions (and some cows on the right).
Haha :slight_smile:


do you have contact to the native americans? I’d love to have a place like yours! But I have no clue if I survived in the desert.

Yep, they are generally a pretty poor community unfortunately(plenty of history about our mistreatments of them). About 25% of Arizona is Reservation land. My wife’s parents go to their church on the reservation regularly. Everyone I’ve met has been caring and kind. They have a casino and some resorts back there that I’ve been to. They have roots in that area as far back as 300 B.C.

As long as you have water, avoid the Rattle Snakes, and Bark Scorpions you’d just be injured by everything else rather than killed lol. It’s not bad once you get used to it being over 100 degrees 4-5 months out of the year.

Oh and get into shelter during the Haboobs


Does poor mean unhappy? Alcoholics? Because poor != poor. I’d love to have land, a tribe … some farming for the tribe. Who needs money then? All we – humans – need is love, sun and food. And maybe 1-2 Elektron devices and a Macbook and a car and … :confused:

Where I come from we cook our food at 100 degrees! :smiley:

That picture looks like an ancient god being summoned!

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Not necessarily, but quality of food and health care can be lacking. The poorest live is mud huts with no running water or electricity. Some are better off and have nice houses etc… Yes some are Alcoholics, but so are plenty of the “cowboys” down the street.

All of that said, I bought a house here. The desert is a mysterious and magical place too!


Love seeing a glimpse photos of where everyone resides, SO KEWL
New favorite thread 2nd to Show me your SetUp


Loving this thread as well, inspiring to see some of these views. Keep them coming!

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Suburban Dystopia, night and day.


View from our lovely new flat in Oslo:

Double bass in this corner, my computer, bass guitars and Elektrons are opposite.

Some really beautiful photos on here. Some of the views are making me think we should have bought a house in the countryside instead!


I had to look that word up! That must be pretty intense to experience such a dust storm.

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You definitely want to be in some kind of shelter or at least behind a wall.

I’ve ran outside to save some things in the yard from blowing away during a Haboob. My eyes, nose, mouth, and ears were full of dust and sand. Hard to breathe or see and you could be hit by something like a lawn chair :laughing:

Not all of them are as intense, but they come every summer.



ישר זהיתי, לפי הפח הכתום והבנייה :rofl:
Had a strange feeling about the pictures, looked familiar…

Edit: and the light of day, I love it.

I’ve written a lot of music about this tree :slight_smile:

It was raining yesterday, and I wondered if it was happy or sad as a result.

Or maybe happy looks like this (today):


From somewhere in the middle of the Sonoran desert.



Bonus back


Looks like a schoolyard - is that space only for you?

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Parisian zinc roofs and the very top of Sacré Coeur. No green in sight.


Well, me, my son, and wife. However I’m usually the only one using the slide.


Dude! Can you chill on the roof?

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