Silly question but will we ever see an update for slicing?

it is a good question, I sold my DT when I realised how much I used the slicing so I bought another OT


4 slices max

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Of course it’s possible. But the whole point of DT, for me (and possibly the Elektron devs), is simplicity. That’s why you can either start sampling manually at any point or use threshold recording. It’s dead simple, intuitive and fast af. Faffing around with record trigs would’ve added more complexity to the machine. And there’s already OT for that.


It is a one shot sampler,think it says so on the box. Cudos to you for not buying it. Too many people around who bought it and are incredulous and angry about it not having features it never claimed to have.


OK, if you think so…

Well, think about it if you don’t believe me. First you would need to choose a track for record trigs to be placed upon and have some method of inputting them on a pretty full UI from the available buttons. But then DT doesn’t have 8 simultaneous recorders always available like OT, so what if a user tries to place record trigs on multiple tracks? Then you have to think about when recording stops and gets played back instead – another type of trig that plays back from whatever’s in the recording buffer? There are lots of considerations here. So, you can see that the complexity soon ramps up with this ‘simple’ request. Plus there’s already OT for all this, as I say. What could be a good solution for DT, however, would be a predefined recording length, so that a loop could be started with threshold recording and automatically stopped on, say, 16 or 64 steps to create perfect loops. That would be simpler than record trigs and more DT friendly imo.


Indeed. I’ve got that on the BlackBox and it’s not rocket science to setup. I was just talking from my experience with the MachineDrum. Maybe that’s because I’m quite used to this that I don’t see so much complexity in it, I don’t know. I feel it’s much trickier to get a clean loop by defining start/end points manually. But maybe that’s just me.

(and OK, I got it, the DT is not a live looper)

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That’s true, but they also can’t do a fraction of what the Digitakt can do in other ways.

You should see if you can borrow a Digitakt and use it for a few weeks. I purchased at launch and use constantly, and I can tell you from a great deal of experience, you’re misunderstanding the workflow of this machine and the intent of the developer. Just because a sampler is a sampler, doesn’t mean that they all work the same way. It wouldn’t make any sense for it to work the way you’re asking for.


OK, yes, like I wrote earlier, I don’t see the edge in this machine but that’s totally fine. I own a few Elektrons already (AR, MD and MnM) and I read quite thoroughly about the features when the DT was released, and I was thoroughly disappointed. If there is a special magic hidden thing about the DT that I fail to understand, I still don’t see it, I admit. But that’s perfectly OK, I consider I have too many instruments already (too much gear is unhealthy :slight_smile: )
A feature like the one suggested by the OP (slicing) would have raised my interest a little bit more.

I bought an OT to get the extra sampling features (but mostly stereo capabilities). I would love to be able to zoom in and out on the waveform on my DT (after sample saved or loaded). Insane not being able to do so. If they don’t provide slicing, I hope for at least zoomable waves.

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This whining is boring bullshit.
It’s a great machine.
If you need other features, you can buy another device.
I bet you won’t reach the limits of the device’s capabilities even after a year of daily use.
And if it does: start a new project.
No song mode? Use your fingers to switch patterns.
No slicing? Prepare your samples with another device.
Maybe you need an Octatrack instead. Or an Analog Rytm.
This device is a Digitakt. Not a DAW, not a MPC, not a blackbox.
So stop whining and use it for what it is: The Digitakt.


It is truly not sane

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It’s just really fun and fast. And I’ve never wanted to throw it into my TV like I did while having the OT. That’s not in the manual.


Also, what about the range for start points etc. - 120 ??
Base-2 please? Like the encoders actually behave when pushed down?

But at this point, changing the encoder steps (6-12-etc) would probably be the only solution, for compatibility reasons.

I highly doubt we will ever see proper slices.
But I don’t wanna sound like whining about it. :rofl:

edit: guess I meant to say ‘powers of 2’…

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of course they do! they need to differentiate their product line. who would buy an OT if they put all of its features into a box that’s half the price?


Hey come on, I think we can assume by now this has become the official DT whining thread, so let’s all give a good whining, it’s allowed here!


Yeah, man-up and face the fact that you’ll need at least two Digis an OT, A4, AR, Heat, Effects Pedals… ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

edit: a word

if you’re referencing @mfk’s pic, the machine on the right of the OT is a Digitone.

Right. I was wondering for a second… Couldn’t make it out at first. But yeah, makes total sense.

Well of course the Digitakt will get sample slicing Omar, how could you even look at a Digitakt and not see that it’s a no brainer, common sense, feature that would maximize all of the Digitakt’s core features in one fell swoop. Pull your woodpeckers outta the woodchipper ya bunch of salty sea dogs, if this was Salem you guys would be burning sample slicing at the stake :crazy_face: :laughing:

the elektron developers obviously had slicing in mind else they wouldn’t have laid down the perfect groundwork for it with the bevy of current pre-slicing features that are in the instrument now, haven’t you ever seen anyone make a sandwich… the slicing is the Swiss cheese, and the song mode is the bread… a gourmet sandwich maker does not rush the sandwich, he/she grooms the pallets until they are ripe and ready for the chow down!..
and no you do not have to use the slicing feature when it arrives, even after arrival you can still hold fast to your ardent beliefs and purchase an octatrack to use just for that feature lol…

ask yourself, did the Model Series need a chance knob?.. yes it did
did the Digitakt need the chance feature added, why yes it did, and the wise developers at elektron in their wisdom did all of this while knowing full well they had already implemented probability elsewhere in these instruments…