Silly question but will we ever see an update for slicing?

What do you mean by this?

some people complain about them, their time frames with overbridge bugs etc… but no dev is perfect. Personally I think they’ve been incredibly consistent in a way that if they were going to implement a slicer I’d have to bet on them doing something dope AF, and if they are thinking about it I hope they do it, if it’s already in the works then I can’t wait !

Unless I’m misunderstanding the way a slicing workflow would operate, if you have a chain, and and you p-lock start and end point per step to get the hits you want on those steps, and then adjust something like pitch, all the samples in that chain will be pitched up or down to the same degree unless that parameter is also p-locked on that step. I rarely use anything but one-shots. When I do use a long chain of samples it’s almost always vocal stuff.

Yeah, if I chop up a sample and pitch it down then every chop will be pitched down unless I parameter lock it. This is the way it works now. This is the way it works on my Circuit Rhythm that has a dedicated slice mode. I don’t see what the problem is supposed to be.

It’s not a problem necessarily, it is just different to a workflow where I use each track for a different sound, then if I want to pitch (or whatever parameter) a single sound up or down I can do it per-sound without affecting the entire drum pattern.

Especially considering an LFO on a parameter on a track using a sample chain, definitely harder to make that useful, maybe a filter or something but once again it would affect all hits.

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I don’t see what you like doing with one shots is supposed to do with how I might want to use sample slices

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Just in the sense that I’d much rather the devs add some other feature versus a slice mode, and that the DT is better suited to one-shots. Like you said, if you want to chop on DT it’s already there and totally works. My comments weren’t directed at you though, I thought you made great points in your earlier post.

unless those un-named features purpose are to nullify sample slicing then surely they aren’t mutually exclusive… what are they, they might be dope and I might want to support those too?

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I mean if my preferred method of implementing a slice mode were somehow taken up then you could just as easily use it for doing things like setting makeshift user scales or having 16 levels of velocity or whatever parameters you want.

Personally I have gotten used to prepare my loops in Maschine (Sync recording and slicing). I then send these to DT through Transfer and it just then works fine to LFO modulate sample start etc…
I have just not yet gotten my head around all the LFO parameters. on DT. This in itself is out of this world for my old brain :joy:

Yeah, truly understanding lfo settings and fm synthesis are things I probably won’t get around to in this lifetime

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If you read through page 46 and 47 in the Digitakt manual I think you can get a good grasp of the DT LFO settings pretty easily, there are good little diagrams and it’s all explained well. It seems way more daunting than it actually is, the Mode and Phase settings are where all the magic happens and they are easy to understand once you read that page. I think the Hold trig mode is the one that makes the least sense at first glance but the diagram shows exactly what is happening when a trig occurs. Use a nice short clean sample and assign the LFO to pitch and mess with the settings while checking that manual page and you’ll be a master of it in like 15 minutes.


Yeah this is why I think some sort of sound locks to chromatic keys would be the ideal solution, basically the ability to play sounds like choke groups on a single track live would be really great. Seems like there could be a pretty elegant solution as far as easily setting up and people could just save start/end point settings as sounds if they wanted to treat it more like a chain.

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Figured that I should drop this here too. It’s a little video that I did about using an LFO for sample slicing