Single synth obsessions



What Kind of PA was there? Did you do some EQing or use of compressor before Putting it all through the PA?

The PA was minimal, just a Mackie mixer into an array of powered PA speakers. I didn’t use any EQ or fx, I just ran the DN stereo outs direct into the PA. Sounded lovely “as-is”.

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Nice, that gives me some hopes for any Future live Gig that my come my way. Plan to use the DNK as main and on top only SH01A…

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suddenly Electribe 2 (synth).


Yeah, I’m gonna need to hear some sounds. Any online? :slight_smile:

Not yet but there were plenty of phones and cameras out. I’ll post something as soon as I get a good clip from someone.

Would like to revive this thread a bit as I’ve become pretty interested in exploring this type of process. I’ve been spoiled by doing everything with plugins for most of my production history so it’s a bit intimidating, but that’s part of the attraction.

Does anyone have any tips/advice that they’ve gathered as they’ve explored this approach? Is it generally better to compose your MIDI carefully and take a precise approach to patch programming per layer as you go along, or to noodle around for extended periods and use those long recordings as sample sources, or both?

Whether it’s ways to make the workflow more efficient, or maybe fun/interesting tricks that can lead to inspiration or happy accidents, I’d love to know what people have learned. Especially those who have been multi-tracking single analog no-preset-memory synths since the early days.

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Counts as exactly 17 synths.

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Amusing timing for this thread popping up again… I got my AR back from pre-COVID loan to a pal at the weekend and sat down to sample a bunch of drum and Dual VCO one-shots for my DT in preparation to flog it. A few hours later and it’s no longer getting sold and I’m both thinking that I want to do an EP that is entirely AR (maybe with a couple of pedals on an inidvidual out or two) and that I’ve been a fool for overlooking it’s potential for so long!

Got some other projects to finish off first so hopefully some of the chance and trig previews from the DT/DN make their way onto the AR firmware in the interim…


I’m so into minimalist thinking.
I’m going down the euro hole a bit but as I still haven’t received all my modules yet from purchases I am secretly yearning for an analog 4 and octatrack combo and just use that.

It’s something really pure (for me) to use a small set of devices, maybe it’s because it feels over indulgent to own lots of synths.


Right on

I got a Kodamo EssenceFM a little over a week ago and apart from an external sequencer (mostly OT), I’ve been doing everything just on that synth. Still have a lot to learn, but it’s really fun to program


Satoshi & Makoto - CZ-5000 Sounds & Sequences

And mine with the CZ-5000 sequencer/sounds and Tr-8. CZ-5000 is a cool machine.

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Interesting thread and good selection of records, food for thoughts really as limitations breed creativity for some people. Personally, I get distracted very easily and often wonder how musicians with walls of Eurorack modules can stay productive and write actual music with them :thinking:. For those interested in music produced with a single instrument check the label One Instrument, all their releases are made with only one instrument and little to no FXs as only reverb is allowed.
The latest EP they released was produced exclusively with a Roland MC-303 and sounds quite different from what you might expect from a 90’s groovebox.


that’s why i bought two Mono Stations.
they are my current obsession.

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You can slice DN sounds with a knife and fork. Beautifully thick.

I’ve recently sold my whole setup Including DN, Heat and Sp404 due to moving and lack of space and kept only the mighty Digitakt. Only after that THE update came. This is a revelation for me in terms how liberating is to play with just one box, no more anxiety about having too much gear, much more accessible, more focused and rewarding. Also I’m really getting deep into it, experimenting and trying to find new tricks. Can recommend this approach to everyone!


Posted on the ‘sounds coming from my gear’ thread but I’ve been doing semi-improvised pieces based on pushing the little Volca Drum towards melodic rhythmic pieces, plus fx. In essence, build a melodic kit from the 6 parts, programme some fx sequencing and just go.

Going to feel this method out, dive deeper, in little bursts but having a great time.