Skateboarding thread

We used to make little skate vids but cant find any apart this of me skating back in 94


And I saved so long for those purple blind jeans as had to order from the states. Before the luxury of buying stuff online :slight_smile:


When I was 13 I found Anthrax’s Among The Living in a discount bin at a supermarket. Up until that point I had been listening to Kiss, Wasp, Ratt, Twisted Sister and other lame hair metal. That one album changed everything. I started finding stuff like the Suicidal Tendencies, Napalm Death and on the other hand I found hiphop through De La Soul, Public Enemy etc. Good times.

With Anthrax and Suicidal Tendencies came skateboarding. Suddenly everybody had to have a board and all the supermarkets, hardware shops and gas stations started selling cheapo Turbo II skateboards which were no good. After a while I updated my board to a considerably better and more expensive one. We had a couple good summers skateboarding with my friends but after that we kinda returned to our usual hobbies of playing role playing games and computer games and watching bad quality VHS horror movies.

A few years back I bought myself a long board but I have not yet had the courage to get on board. Every spring I think of doing it and every autumn I realize that I didn’t. I’m just too afraid of splitting my skull. I have a friend who is 46 like me and skateboards to work every morning. He’s also a professor in biochemistry and has the largest collection of Star Wars action figures in Finland.


Mike V was my hero


i suck these days but i still consider myself a skater, more than almost anything else.

nosegrind circa '94:

after all these years he might have been the skater that influenced me the most. shaved head. no meat. running through graveyards!

loose plz :sunglasses:

i’ve been to Wallows :star_struck:. didn’t skate cause i didn’t have any shoes (and it’s pretty rough & fast)



More than 10 years ago. A Downhill race somewhere. That’s me on the left, my old skate pal Pete Connolly on the right. He now holds the Guiness World Record for fastest man on a skateboard, 94mph I think? Anyway, great times, good memories.


I’ve also been skating my whole school life and then after a break again while studying. Unfortunately now my knees already hurt when just watching a board.

Though, still love to watch old Bones Brigade and Santa Cruz videos on YouTube. As well as some rounds with Tony Hawk on my recallbox emulation station


I used to skate 25 years ago or so, but never managed to land anything more than a kick flip about 20 cm high…
From my previous job I got the below, proud and prized possession!


This treads awesome!!


Not much to add except another sincere ‘it changed my life, my worldview’



What’s funny is I’m 45, skate everyday and love it. I mostly just skate transition. I have no problem posting tongue in check clips on IG of me and my skate buddies having fun.

But I don’t post my music anywhere else besides here and maybe gearslutz. I personally like my music, but it’s too embarrassing and seemingly cheesy to post techno music when you’re as old as me. :sunglasses::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: weird

Cheesy skate clip

Or weird music


Rodney Mullen grew up about 2 hours from me. Man I wish I had a chance to see him skate back in the day. Or today, for that matter.


I can relate to having an easier time progressing as I’ve gotten older. My body doesnt learn tricks any faster, but I dont get frustrated like I did as a teenager. That’s some nice pop on that photo!

Ollie-ing a shopping cart is quite a thing! I ollied onto some pretty tall stuff in the days of my biggest pop but could never quite kill the fear of ollie-ing over anything tall. I am 35 and have put on some pandemic weight and am definitely feeling the effects it’s had on my pop :joy:.

I’ve been following Darkroom but haven’t seen any of the boards at my local shop yet, the artist running that company was the main artist for Alien Workshop for a long time and I was a big fan. Keep pushing it and it’ll get easier!

Thanks for sharing those clips, they were fun to watch. I wouldn’t be embarrassed to share those tracks!

Nothing wrong with skating flat and banks!

Thanks for sharing your background and that rad double flip! Skateboarding has been a refuge for a lot of people, as I’ve gotten older it’s one of the things I appreciate the most about it. I started in 96 so I always get stoked on those early 90s clips, when I got into it the early 90s were talked about a lot but I didn’t see any of that stuff until I was in my 20s

Loose trucks forever!!!

Skateboarding and music have always been completely intertwined for me! I also still watch bad horror movies on VHS, you should definitely jump on your board the first chance you get!

That nosegrind photo is great! Is that a smoke in your mouth? Thanks for sharing!

Never done crazy downhill, looks terrifying.


I can’t believe it! I just got back on a skateboard for the first time after maybe 17 years! Then I come back home and there is this thread…WTF???
I skated every free second of my youth, and my love for music started while watching all these amazing skateboard VHS cassettes with all that new and exciting music to it. I was quite good at skating back then…today I managed to land a really sloppy kickflip after what felt like a 100 tries :joy: I was at the local skatepark for the first time with my 7 year old son today and it felt amazing.


me too. A lot of my taste for music originates from that time.
Ahhh, Andrew Reynolds skating to Portishead and DJ Shadow, still feels like magic.


Here’s another one from around 6 years ago. I really wish I had filmed this one. The parking lot slants downhill, and then uphill towards the curb at the end, so it gave you a little bit of a launch ramp type lift out of it. Ollie over the little gap into a super crusty sketchy bank. I went back a year later to try to film the ollie and try and get another trick but moss had taken over the bank over the winter.


So much truth to this. I was exposed to all kinds of metal, industrial, goth, house, punk that I would never have heard otherwise. We’d be skating to Suicidal Tendencies in the morning and listening to blown out 808s by Skinny Puppy at night.


Cool thread. Skated a lot over the years but always with big breaks in between, since my 20’s anyways.
My mate scans in old skate pics from his massive collection of magazines…worth a peep:


Yeah, great thread indeed!
Here is a backside noseblunt from me!


very cool!