Skateboarding thread

seems like I’ve lost some of my cool skating pics along the way. here’s a couple of the ones I COULD dig up…

old Wall’O’Skates in one of my apts…

and some shots my buddy and I took for Thrasher Magazine in response to some kid who was whining it was too cold in Texas to skate in the winter. this is Feb in Montreal…

note: that’s the same Steadham I posted earlier :slight_smile:


Absolutely. It was a very rare treat to skate all day and not get harassed by the fuzz. They’d take your board and sometimes knock you around with it.


Ah man, I was the worst skateboarder you’ve ever seen but that didn’t stop me from loving it. I could ollie, b/s noseslide, pop shove-it, occasionally land a heelflip and sometimes the odd 50-50… not much else and never with much pop. I stopped after I messed up both my ankles within a six month period. Donated my board (Rick Howard Girl deck, indie trucks) to some ungrateful kid. Just the other month I found an old photo of me with Kareem Campbell from when the City Stars team came to London. Don’t think I’ll be posting it. :slight_smile:

My son is 8 now and starting to get into it. My brother still had his old board so donated it to him. I was trying to teach him the basics without much luck and then we went down to one of the free sessions at the House of Vans park here in London and they were absolutely brilliant, they got him kickturning and pushing in one session. All been curtailed by the virus but we still go out locally and he brings his board and practices. No tricks just yet though.

The crazy thing is even though I haven’t skated properly for nearly 15 years (I got into bikes instead) it’s still in my head. I still watch skate videos on youtube quite often and still look at bits of the city environment and imagine a trick being done on it as I walk past.


This…I still do that after all these years too :smirk: it seems to me that once you fell in love with it you’ll stay a skateboard guy for the rest of your life - even if you don’t really skate anymore


Skated in the late 80s early 90s, then some in the late 90s. Kept my boards and sold my first board a Vision Gator a couple of years ago for a healthy amount that likely contributed to a synth purchase :wink:

Have a 3yo daughter who loves watching skating on YouTube (Sky Brown is her hero) and got her a deck earlier this year but she’s not used it much. Today was out at a local skate park to meet an old high school friend and other mates. Took daughter along and gave her some lessons at the park. I cant skate for shit now and need to get some practice in. I hope my daughter keeps at it … as it’d give me an excuse to get a mini half pipe in the garden :wink:

Am I allowed to promote some of my synth/elektron/skate related tees n boards here? :stuck_out_tongue:


Recent photo of our old curb. Ancient wax and new moss. Curbs won’t mean much to many but those who know… :raised_hands:

Frontside ollie photomashup. Albion Mill. Ewood. 1990.
Built by some local lads who hadn’t a clue how to build a ramp … ended up making one of the best ramps I ever skated! Some top sessions went down in that warehouse. Learned loads of tricks. met loads of characters…Ah the memories.


Those things look fun as hell.

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I shot this (uncut! - just record, pause, record, pause) for some friends back in (about) 1989.
Jesus Jones ‘Liquidizer’ soundtrack - literally just played from vinyl as an overdub.

“Fish Hae Gills! Ken Whit Eh Mean?”
Team Warts’n’Boils
The Factory
@ Arthurstone Terrace Dundee
Filmed around 1989

The Factory It was an old disused and derelict factory building just behind the city centre. For a year or two we went religiously at the weekends and holidays.

It was the older skaters that illegally broke into the place and built some amazing half pipes and street obstacles. There was always lots of wood and nails lying about, so as you can see from the video new ramps and obstacles were getting made all the time.

To get in sometimes you had to scale the building, climb over a hot tile roof then climb down into the main courtyard - then you had the massive sliding wooden door to get in. And if it was locked you were fcked and you had to wait while someone came with a key (if you couldnt break in) - usually that time would be spend going to the local corner shop for crisps, chocolate or ice poles.*

Even know the corners and backrooms stunk of piss and the occasional heroin needle was found, the place was still paradise for a bunch of teenagers.


I love the shape of older boards. I never rode anything else that was as good as my Monty Nolder mini.
Not that I rode many new boards though…



actually the new popsicle sticks are way better than the old boards. WAY lighter, poppier…
I skated up until 2016…pulled out my Mini Vato rat every now and again for old skool vibes.
but you cant maneuver as well as you can with the new ones. they’re really great to ride.

its a shame I don’t see many skaters these days. around here anyways…I see Razors, and little 70s banana board clones [dunno why the hell you’d ride one of those]…street surfers, electric skates [ :-1:t6: ]…not many straight up skaters. :frowning:

This is great timing. I spent a good portion of this weekend nostalgically watching skateboarding videos on YT. It’s surprising to me, at least a little, that there is so much overlap with music makers.

Several broken bones keep me from doing more than just pushing around on a cruiser board every once in a while these days. but this thread is seriously making me wanna get out there and do it again! It’s been a while at this point.

For years I’ve pushed away the temptation to get a ‘regular’ skateboard, because I know it won’t take much for me to get right back into the hard-headed mentality of trying to land a trick and push it further each time. Sadly I just can’t really afford the risk anymore, but I miss it so much – it’s even a recurring dream. There’s nothing like the feeling of interrupting a meditative cruise with a kickflip that you may not stick.


buy an old school cruiser, cruising is definitely meditative :slight_smile:

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I have a couple cruisers. :slight_smile: But it’s not the same, what I miss most is doing tricks. Flat ground isn’t all too risky though, I just never learned how to fall. I guess I still could…


Agent Orange…

and this Newcleus bit…so good…

im crap on a board these days but going to put in some practice. at the park today met old high school friend who recently started skating again. so, mid 40s like me. he was pulling off rock to fakies, rock n rolls, axle stalls etc on a 5" bowl. so there is hope for us oldies :stuck_out_tongue:


I skated for my youth…Some great years. Now I just watch. Best sport ever. This is attached to the warehouse where my studio is located. Next to the kitchen. I took this last summer. It’s been on the cover of those mags.


Pretty much skated my whole life… I still enjoy it.

Been at it for 25+ years (37 now)

Though I was done with it a couple years back.

Bought a new board not too long ago…

Oh Well :crazy_face:


Kind of blown away at how many skaters are in our music community.


Funny how these topics pop up on the music forums I follow, very heartwarming!

I skated a lot during high school, never got any good at it though and after a while I had more fun playing bass, so I dropped it.
But I had a revival one year ago, bought myself a board and started skating again on a parking lot close to where I live while listening to techno, fun times!
I really wish I was more dedicated because it’s a beautiful thing, but I never really got past ollying a curb and a really crappy shove it…

Really nice to find this community here! So many memories pop up!


This video is so good! some incredible skating and spots in there. thanks for sharing!

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