Skeptical of adding DN to my DT

Thanks! I guess my thought was that the Typhon was a more natural fit for the sounds I feel I’d want to create, but you are the second person to mention issues with the UI, which is giving me pause…I’ll try to see one in person before I pull the trigger.

Typhon is excellent choice. I have DN and i want to add Typhon to it as both effects block and sweet mono synth. :+1:

EDIT: Also to multisample it with Blackbox making it into a monster polysynth :flushed:

You have mentioned few analog synth in your first comment.
So go for something analog if you like this kind of sound.
Dreadbox user interface is not my taste.
The minilogue XD has a good UI in the other hand.

So I would say, go for an analog synth, forget the DN which won’t sound really warm.
Or at least not as warm as a A4, ST, Rythm.

If you want to stay in comfort zone of Elektron go with ST.
Lots of thing included and not only a sequencer.
You will have 4 analog part but won’t be able to play chord. And the 8 digital are quite flexible.
If you want a handon synth take the minilogue XD at least you will be able to play chord with a good UI.

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The Digitone can ABSOLUTELY sound WARM and close to “analog”.

Sorry to do what can be seen as some shameless promotion but here you can listen all of my “funky” presets for the Digitone (I think most of them sound quite cool :slightly_smiling_face: ):

“So far I’m considering Korg Minilogue XD”

I like my Minilogue XD but it has very little envelop abilities for the filter, which I HATE. Sounds lovely though.