Snare sounds (help before I ditch my MD)

Thanx I’ll try that.
Has anyone had any luck making a big dubstep style snare by layering this way ? Any tips, how many layers, and kicks also ?

I consider the sound of a snare in 3 elements: snap, body, and fizzle. Loosely equates to sound of the head strike, resonance within the drum, and the snare rattle. First, I determine the length as it seems to drive the rest of the sound programming. 2nd the presence of each element, often one of the 3 is absent or near absent. Then the flavor of each element, snap: squish, pop, ting; body: full, hollow, tight, dry; fizzle: noise & how do I want it filtered, digi glass, just a bit chimey, up front or just at the tail. The total length, presence, and flavor will determine any gating needed. Last, apply reverb.

Each element can take more than one sound (particularly if you want a fancy fizzle). I don’t know if I am easily satisfied, but with a non-UW MD I am usually happy with one or two sounds total to make all the elements of a snare. It is fun to get down and dirty with sound design, but I can really burn off huge chunks of time.

I listened to that Com Truise track and I’d try getting that snare by using a dmx snare sample with some eq boost on the low/mid-low end for the body, then I’d layer a hi-passed clap (perhaps with some BRR and/or SRR) and some reverb with quick decay.

Thanx, lots to try now.

Lots of great programming tips in here. Unfortunately I swapped my MDUW though. It’s gone to someone else. Someone more appreciative.

anyway you have sold it or swopped but you may come back to it
this is my 4th MDUW

one simple way to punch up your drums is to set up a ram recorder and mess with the cue levels and other sample input functions while you have a kick and snare, distort it until it sounds just right or wrong
use the filter in the ram recorder and resample the kick or snare and save to a ram slot
you can do this again and record the new snare sample and repeat
if you get it just right its almost like the mpc 60 overdrive sampling
try this trick when sampling synths also and you can always set the levels down after sampling

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I use an external channel strip for both kick and snare. Adding Eq and Compressor help a lot :wink:

Now I have 2 OT with no regrets…

However when I used to have the MD i found that eq and compression helps a lot!!!

For a good snare I was layering a snare + clap + Hi tom… Set lfo on trig mode, exp wave and volume on the parameter…

I was quite satisfied…


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