So how are people’s Digitone Keys?

Yes, it’s an exaggeration. A figure of speech. Maybe 2021 EVERYBODY won’t take everything so literal. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: lets bring more laughter, happiness, and love back to everyone life. There’s already too much negativity in the world. That’s one thing I’ve always loved about our forum, we all get alone in the end. Keep making those beats @Tchu. Everybody, keep making music!

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I figured as much too :wink:

I agree. I got to use one of the 500 SFX-6’s many years ago and was blown away. I knew the digitone keys was going to be spectacular. Elektron surprised me with a lot of the features they packed in the keyboard. There are a few things I could see an update addressing, but for the most part it’s a badass instrument.

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Whoa whoa whoa! Are you saying 2021 is definitely maybe gonna happen? How can you possibly know this!? :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:
Tchu was just playing around too, just a more straight faced kinda of “smart ass” kinda humor. I like both types when used well.

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I agree!

You know that I wasn’t serious about this? Next time, I’ll put a laughing face at the end of my sentence.

Lmao! Well, I’m really hoping there’s a 2021. I rather enjoy breathing.

I know he was joking. I don’t mean any harm to anyone.

If we do make it to 2021, maybe Elektron will give us the virtual holographic dk.

If there was a way, with the advent of the first human chip implant recently, would you like to super learn a digitone keys, or any instrument for that matter? It sounds sci-fi but it’s happening. Think Elon Musk neurolink.

1st: would you allow a chip port into your brain?
2nd: would you allow a company like Elektron to make chips to master your hardware?

Omg, I just reread what I typed. I sound pretty derrranged. I apologize for my thoughts. I can get pretty wild.


Oh yeah. I knew that. I don’t really take anything serious here. Unless it’sa serious topic I suppose.

I’m a pretty goofy laid back easy going guy.

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As long as they take me out for dinner and drinks first, yes.

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Back on task…

The Keys needs an update to sort out the Control Inputs A B

The scaling of various parameters in certain pages needs fine tuning.

Aftertouch sensitivity needs more . . sensitivity or ‘feel’ ? (whatever feel means …)

External controller mode - it works really well when set up. - Needs a quick key combo to load up the 8 slots. .

Would be nice for the screen to go blank in EXT controller mode… save confusion between SYNTH-MIDI-EXT CONTROLLER.

Could we have the oLED screen output different colours per Track/MIDI/Ext Controller?

Ace instrument already… Just Imagine the possibilities.


I have a Digitone and really love it.

Thinking about upgrading to DK or buying a Keystep Pro? It’s about the same price difference.

I plan to use it with other gear that have no sequencer in it.

The keystep pro is probably the more flexible solution but it adds a level of complexity with an extra sequencer layer. Still the keystep pro feels strong in the improvisation department.

what are your thoughts on this?

Get DNK + Keystep Non-Pro.

My 6 years old son says things like this

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He’s got a great sense of humour.

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It seems I may have found a bug or something. I am about to put in a support ticket to Elektron unless anyone here has any insight first.

So when I am in live record mode, the trig velocity of some notes will get set to 100 instead of the played value. It will sound nice and soft when I am actually playing it, but once the playback happens, some notes sound a lot louder. When I check the trig velocity on certain trigs, they show 100, even though I played the note at a much softer velocity value.

Here is where it gets weird though. If I play a melody using single notes, then the proper trig velocity value gets recorded just fine. But for example let’s say I hold a chord with my left hand, then play a melody on top with my right hand, the trig velocity of just he melody gets all screwed up. I guess it is acting like the system can’t record multiple trig velocities at once? I hope I am explaining that correctly.

Anyone seen this? Any settings I need to double check in the system?

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Bump! I’ve heard a lot of negative opinions from those who haven’t owned one but it seems mostly positive from those who’ve taken the plunge. Is this mostly the case?

I’m in the market for a FM synth, a new midi keyboard, and a poly sequencer (the OT note cutoff is not working for me) so the DNK seems like an ideal move. Attracted to how it seems the keyboard really compliments the synth engine.

Would love to hear thoughts on the playability of the keys. How awkward is reaching for that mod wheel?


I owned both keys and non-keys version. This has been one of the best instruments I had - a really joyful experience. However I returned it twice because of the way polyphony works on DN. If you play the same note twice it will always cut the voice in the middle of the envelope, which sometimes produces an audible click. It drove me nuts. For some reason none of the other polyphonic synthesizers I have (Hydrasynth and Summit) have this problem, so I don’t think it’s a general problem with polyphony but rather with Digitone. Pushing this single issue aside - this is the best FM synth I owned. It is really (and I can’t stress this enough) immediate and good sounding synth. Keys… well - it has great keys and an amazing integration with DN.


You can change this behavior in the Voice menu–there’s a parameter called “Reuse” in the upper right corner (Knob D). Set this to “off” and the Tone will use a different voice for each press of the same key.


Is this something new?

Yes, it was added in 1.3. From the release notes:
Added the functionality to control Voice Reuse per track. It sets if the same note played twice should reuse the same voice, or cycle to use another free voice (default setting).