So, is everybody getting out of modular?

So if more and more people are getting into modular stuff, I’d hope it’s because they’re excited by the possibilities. If it’s a fashion thing, that’s gonna kill it

he also said this, which i think rings true until today

rings into clouds on youtube = fashion

In amongst all the Eurogloom, some good news for crackheads…


Thanks for naming my next album


people are always joining/leaving eurorack, and many feel the need to post to the world…

in the same way, as on this forum, every day/week, someone’s posting that they are ‘leaving to go back in the box’ !


My fiancee wants that I keep the modular, because it looks cool and it fits into our flat lol.


Bring forward the marriage date – you’ve got a keeper there!


I think eurorack was kinda niche for a long time. When i started there where only a few suppliers and manufacturers that ran their own distribution. Suddenly a lot more people got interested, might be from youtube or whatever and the market jumped in. A lot of semi modular stuff came out etc that ignited the GAS even more. Although it looks fance it’s not anyone’s cup of tea resulting in a bigger supply 2nd hand. That’s just my point of view.

That’s great! The Mindphaser only saw one initial batch so it’s really cool that Erica Synths will be making that module again.

It’s a shame that it seems most of the mutant drum series won’t be taken up again though, besides the mutant machine. Probably because they conflict with Erica’s own drum line a bit.

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Wait a second … after 8 years …

  • ADDAC 112, a quite powerful Looper-Granular processor
  • Poly Effects Hector
  • XAOC Devices --> the Leibniz System, or Odessa VCO, or Sofia VCO
  • and, for sure, a couple of others, which are more experimental and not too much into mainstream :wink:

Note I didn’t say that there were no creative modules, but rather there seemed to be a lack of ingenuity in modules.

In the two - three years break I’d taken, there didn’t appear to be many completely new takes on something that hadn’t previously been done in Euro in my eyes. 8 - 10 years ago, it seemed there was a new mind-blowing module with a completely new/fresh take on something that was released every couple/few months.

And to prove my point that the amount of creativity seemed to have diminished, you listed five modules you deem as very creative that have been released in an 8 year period. Yes, I’m sure there are others too that never made it to my radar, but the overall rate at which brilliant new concepts or ways to accomplish these concepts seems to have slowed considerably.


Honestly if we move and up in a smaller space, I may have to switch to eurorack. It may be expensive and inconvenient, but goddamn is it space-efficient.


Not that I don’t believe you, but could provide some examples? Ive been wondering about this myself.

To my mind, it’s very rare for a module to do something more than just a reconfiguration of the ideas developed by Buchla/Serge/Moog. Off-hand, I would say maybe Rene, Erbe-Verbe, Turing Machine, Rungler (if that counts), Tides, Stages, Cold Mac are some…I’m sure there are others (Id be curious to see a module GOAT list). So if that’s true, the ingenuity is still working at a similar pace to what it did in the beginning

Edit: Oh and throw a dart at any NLC module honestly


Hmmmm…interesting thread at a point when I am pondering flogging the Syntrx and investing in an Erica Synths Fusion System II… always in search of the perfect drone…

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I boxed up my modular system last year and haven’t had a strong desire to bring it back. I know myself well enough to know that if I sell it I will immediately start wanting a modular system again. I don’t think I will ever go back to trying to make full compositions on modular, but I plan to experiment with it again soon. I will say I definitely got swept in the fad-ishness of 2015/16. I don’t regret it, because made me narrow my priorities and focus on making tracks quickly in Ableton.

For me: writing tracks > sound exploration

When you know you can’t un see something…

Hay I’m just getting into modular!


I hope more people get out of it as I’ve finally taken the plunge after years of semi-modular synths. The cheaper I can get more gear, the better!

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Mate, I’m not into guys, but I could look at that picture all day.

Fine figure of a man.

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I recently un-modular’d. Got a dream synth with knobs and sliders and keys big enough for my hands to work reliably and comfortably. I kind of feel like I wanted to do a couple things with modular, and I did them, got em recorded and after that I wasn’t really getting anything out of it.

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