So, what do you do?

The last 24h i have been a mediocre software developper since Superbooth and all those rumours about a new Elektron device. Damn forum.


I knew that was a thing. Decent pay, too.

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Iā€™m a freelance digital designer (not a contractor!) and am working to grow from ā€˜freelance gigsā€™ to ā€˜client servicesā€™ in the next year; I want to be a design business-of-one! Itā€™s been a long road to get here and I still have a very, very long way to go before Iā€™m fully stable and soluble, however I couldnā€™t (now) be doing anything else.

I took my first formal digital (see: web design) job at age 30 after working in print for 5 years and now, at 36, Iā€™m starting a fresh chapter again. Having done side hustles since 2011 now was most definitely the time to make the leap and guide my own hand.


I am an organic synthesist / chemist. Both in the lab and in the studio :sunglasses:
I mainly focus on the exploration and creation of new potential drugs


Iā€™m an audio DSP developer in Copenhagen, working with smart hearing protection right nowā€¦ could fancy moving into something more music related. But, as a wise university lecturer once told me, itā€™s all just dicking around with sine waves anyway.


Would have made a killer Digitone Keys marketing slogan.


Ha, yes! Even better if they do something new with resynthesisā€¦ Come on @Elektron :wink:

Full credit goes to Dr Ian Drumm at Salford University.


Linux Application Administrator/DevOps for the past three years for Germany biggest private parcel Service in Hamburg. Call me the Lord of the Cloud. 1800+ Serverā€¦:loopy:


My partner told me a while ago that I actually make most of my income from sleeping in hotels and traveling for work. Makes sense since I mostly slept at school.


Hi All, new member here, fascinating thread.
IT Sysadmin here, ironically I fell into IT after googling how to install a sound card and catching the technology bug.
I make music In the box using ableton and VSTā€™s but as I spend most of my day staring at a computer screen I wanted to buy a couple of synths so I can generate ideas without staring at the bloody screen - bought a Model Samples, a Digitone and a Arturia keystep and Iā€™m loving my new musical world.


I was in tech for many years working with telecom infrastructure, cybersecurity and marketing. Years of working with complex projects and having to figure out how to make financials work for us to be successful is what lead me to leave tech behind. I now work as a wealth manager where I help individuals and families to be more successful and to protect what theyā€™ve worked for. It is much better than doing similar work for a faceless multinational. :smiley:


Tattooist and hundredaire philanthropist


I am in a company specializing in industrial screen printing. I maintain, prepare and insole the screens before printing :grin:


Recently retired from playing pro soccer.


Former Bike Messenger. Current Unified Communications and Telecom guy in Winnipeg, Canada


I print t-shirts by hand in a cellar, but I really need a more lucrative job and some fresh air


Music writer and editor for myself and others (sometimes even paid); freelance editor, copy editor and proofreader for NGOs, academic journals, museums and other mostly non-corporate clients.


Anyone here switch careers/jobs since their last post in the thread? Iā€™d love to hear about your transitions.

Looking back, Iā€™ve had four jobs in three different industries since the thread started.
Nonprofit utility watch dog :arrow_right: wholesale food production x 2 :arrow_right: design research.

Recently got a promotion and I feel like Iā€™ve finally found the field I belong in (design research).
Though it is fun to look back and see how each industry has helped me improve on the different skills that I can now apply to something as mundane as usability research.
Who knew that the years I spent talking to people on the phone about how their gas and electric company is screwing them over would help me suss out what people like and dislike about their workplace?


Yep, quit my job as a youth worker about a month after I posted in this thread. I guess writing it down made me realise I hated my job.
Went back to an old job as a disability mentor for students at Loughborough University. Itā€™s a less secure job and I get no work or pay for 4 months over the summer but itā€™s much better. Also itā€™s much easier, I can do it with my eyes closed.


That has some value. My old position in my current field was a bit like that, in all regardsā€¦ less security, seasonal, but very easy. My new position just adds some admin work on top of that, which keeps me busy but not burned out. I do have to travel far more frequently though, and that has advantages and disadvantages.

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