So, what do you do?

I study computer science and performance design (a subfield of performance studies) and do various music projects, where I produce, mix and master, but also play with at various festivals and local venues.

I have previously worked in online marketing, maintaining various websites and doing all kinds of audio and music related stuff :slight_smile:


Links to any research?

Iā€™d love to read some.

edit: Never mind, google duh
This you?

2nd edit: no text at that site. Still need a link.[/quote]

Thanks for the interest. That site/profile is dubious/fake but the papers listed there are mine. Iā€™ll dig up a link or two and PM you.

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Was the Assistant Manager of Commercial Client Operations for FedexOffice in Australia back in the day. Been a small Art Gallery / Print Room Manager and professional framer - (for major/larger gallery exhibitions) and was in Hospitality Management for several years and utterly miserable when doing it I must confess.
Then an assistant carer for my father after his last stroke.
I had a secondary bout of pancreatic surgery (2 in 10 years) that led me to follow my bliss finallyā€¦ Music
Iā€™m at the fake it till you make it stage - but the budget is at about the better start waiting tables phase.
Far less glamorous a reality than many of you on here.
Past year and a bit Iā€™ve done one album, one, ep, onto a third, looking at getting a live performance rig (to try and help make ends meet), done several paid for remixes and collaborations and well yesā€¦
Previously Iā€™ve been moderator on Yamaha based forums, done sound design for Concrete FX Kubik & Kubik2, did presets for a rather well known drum synth back in the day and am an all round fabulous nobody.
Unlike the rest of the family who are art therapists, lawyers, business managers and a Professor, I was particularly good at painting and printmaking once upon a time.
You know, all those things that really help put food on the table.
Takes bow and exits stage left.


I will go to the university next year. Not sure about the course yet, something in the field of multimedia/design


I used to be in computersā€¦ some fancy systems enginere jobā€¦
untill my head crashedā€¦ funny enough, i could fix all computers.
except my own (the brain) so i started working with homelessā€¦
untill i failed misserably in live, and almost become my own student.

lucky for me, i found some new live in puppetry and music.
so i feel sane-ish and happy again :slight_smile:

but i dont think i will ever be important in anything, ever again.
So you chooseā€¦ i can be a failure, or just an unknown puppeteer/musicianā€¦

if i chooseā€¦ it be the latter :slight_smile: Hooray for puppets and music


Gotta say Iā€™m finding all this rather fascinating!
Itā€™s really cool to have a bit of background on the folks here. somehow makes the posts more real, a bit like putting a face to name if you know what I mean?

:+1: :slight_smile:


i have the worst possible dayjob for doing music afterwards. :wink:

namely Iā€™m a news editor/producer for a 24/7 tv news channel.

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I have been an audio visual technician since 2000. A little hard to explain, but we build/install automated A/V systems. Think University lecture theatres, Boardrooms, Medical simulation labs, video confering and some.
No kids (2cats,1GF(sounds like a nasty Jap porno)):confused:
So I have ample time to play with my expensive toys, I just need some inspiration/ideas.
My name is Jeremy, nice to meet you. :alien:


Business Intelligence.

Got data across multiple disparate business systems, databases or datawarehouse? Need awesome, powerful, easy to use reporting?

Pm me :joy:


I work as an account manager for a large printing company. My specialty is in direct mail such as CRM & loyalty programs. It is okay for what it is, I do get out of the office some days for client meetings and to do the odd presentation. Itā€™s not a dream job but It pays the bills, which is important as I have a 2 1/2 year old & 4 1/2 year old. Music is purely therapy for me, and gives me something to look forward to if the family happens to go to bed early:)


Freelance sound engineer. And resident engineer for a really nice recording studio in my hometown (Lecce).
When doing freelance i mostly participate as location sound mixer or boom-operator. But also in audio postproduction (editing-sonorization and that stuff) for audiovisuals.

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Freelance IT systems engineer/sytem admin.
I look after things for a number of smaller companies that donā€™t want or canā€™t afford full time IT staff.
I also subcontract to a company that develops custom solutions for one of the UKā€™s big telecoms providers.

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Editor in chief for a small Swedish union-affiliated newspaper. Been a journalist for 15 years except a few when Iā€™ve been involved in the music biz on the digital distribution side, worked for the government and for the communications department of the Swedish Union of Journalists.


I work in R&D at Ford Motor Company primarily as a software engineer.

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Invoice auditing in telecom management. But, soon to be back to a more data oriented position of fixing things.

Working on a computer all day is, I think, one of the main reasons the Elektron boxes are so great for me. I can get away from the computer and still make music in a very intuitive way.

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Architect who just quitā€¦ I need to try something else

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Saw this on Reddit today, thought it was quite funny;

Iā€™m so glad my co-workers buy so many t-shirts and pay me to hold meetings. :smiley:


IT Whore. :wink:

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