So, what do you do?

I am in Europe
The work is hard the pay is almost not existent.
But walking outside is great.


Thank you! I hope it lives up to my expectations (which are realistic too).

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I also quite often wonder how many Elektronauts know each other in real life without either of them knowing that they’re both forum members.

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Really want both my AS-1’s to work with FLstudio sequencing :sob: They skip notes too many times.

Nice to see this thread pop up again.

I recently got a new gig in theatre. It’s been interesting. But I dunno if it’s really my bag. It’s pretty admin heavy stuff. My previous tech gig in a convention centre just opened up again, so thinking of going back to my old job. Have been chatting to folks there, and they’ve sweetened the deal a bit, so could be an option. There’s a lot of skills im losing currently, and going back would see me keep them up.

But still looking ahead to the future, thinking about moving to Sydney for a year or two to study and just generally explore that city (every Australian on the forum groans and shakes their head in dismay). And those tech skills could help me with a job there while I study. Or maybe could get a job at the Opera House or something

I dunno how it cropped up but lately I’ve been super fascinated by the publishing industry and have been thinking about getting into copy writing and editing and stuff like that. In general book design and layout has been super interesting to me.

So whatever happens next with the job thing is sort of a springboard to the next thing. See what happens


At the moment I’m working at an art gallery as a guide for the visitors.
My job consists of powering up the installations, telling the visitors about the exhibition and playing with the OT or A4 4-5 hours a day.


That’s frustrating! I wish there was something I could do to help. Have you used a MIDI Monitor-type program to see what your computer is spitting out to the AS-1s? Is it purely just note on and off data? Are you connected via USB MIDI or 5-pin DIN MIDI?

I work on a 200 acre horse farm. We casually call it a horse farm, but it’s an equestrian center specialising in dressage, arena jumping, and cross country.

We have anywhere from 110-130+ horses on site at any time, a certified breeding program, hold events, train riders and horses in their various disciplines.

I do a wide range of work - run farm equipment, infrastructure repair and upkeep, I handle dozens of horses a day, groom (which is tacking up horses for trainers, not the actual cleaning/cutting/brushing you do to dogs, for example, which we call ‘beauty shop’), assist veterinarians with medical appointments, administer meds, and play with baby horses.

It’s a lot of year round outdoor work, physical, and work with great people. It’s simple in many ways…

When the horses are hot, I’m hot.
When the horses are cold, I’m cold.
When the horses eat, I eat.
When the horses sleep, I sleep.
When the horses walk, I walk.
When the horses run, I get out of the way.

This is Armani, who had a great career competing in Dressage and cross country. He doesn’t work anymore, and now enjoys his days grazing and trying to figure out how to break the fence to get to the mares in the next field.


This sounds really healthy.

I earned my horsemanship’s badge in boyscouts when I was a kid. Had to take care of “my” horse for a week. I even slept near “Butterscotch” in my sleeping bag under the stars one night.

It’s a good memory.


That sounds amazing. Horses are creatures that I have always wanted to get close to and bond with…


My mother was a letter carrier for her working life. Very physical job (general foot and knee issues, dog bites, worry about skin cancer from being in the sun all waking day), paid fine at the time and with a pension, but there’s been a lot of political moves to take a service that’s required by design to self-fund and topple it for the goals of privatizing a public good.

The current head was placed in office for that specific purpose (and since it’s supposed to be a serious nonpartisan position it’s very difficult to get him out), and there have been a lot of changes made to screw up service, misuse funds, I don’t know if it’s currently something worth choosing, but it really depends on alternatives. There are probably many worse positions out there in areas of America.

That at least sounds like an awesome gig! I used to work on exhibit design for science museums with a parent.

Currently side-gigging in theater and hoping to be a bigger part of local fine art installations.


It really is! It’s so cool to meet new people and to have random art conversations with them while getting paid for it, with zero education what so ever lol.
My employer saw the OT next to my desk and was amused and curious instead of being annoyed by it.

Working in a theater sounds very nice too!!


I love horses! Awesome photo.

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I’m still out here attempting to be a professional musician lol. pray for me.

i’ve done some soundtrack work and have a big job finishing up soon! i’ve also done life coaching type work which has been a lot of fun.

also going to try to study music theory next year / probably online courses.


Was connecting with USB from the computer. Just note on/off data. No other synth missing a note.

What’s interesting is I connected the AS~1’s to the SquarpPyramid via midi din and there’s no issue. But, connected to the Pyramids usb midi, it skipping notes.

Too bad - that unfortunately seems consistent with things I’ve heard about the USPS in the news cycle the last 6 years. seemed like such a respected, solidly blue collar gig for a long time.

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If it helps, a friend of mine started working with the Postal Service about a year ago and he absolutely loves his job. It’s hard work but it pays well at least in our low cost of living area.


Yes it is a very nice job
But in the long run it will break your knees and back and in my case foot.


Oof, sounds like the issue might be the AS-1’s USB situation.
I left the TORAIZ forum management/customer support gig several months back.
My ADHD made it really really difficult to serve the customers in the way that I felt they deserved.
I hope there is still someone there monitoring these issues.
It’s a really great sounding synth, but apparently you’ve identified some erratic USB MIDI behavior. I sincerely hope you can get your problem solved.


Thanks, good to hear some people still find a stable gig even with the Elon-grade sabotage at the top.

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