So, what do you do?

…i’m a road and construction surveyor… someday i love it, some day i hate. I actually prepare myself for a big pause, something like one year, i worked without stopping for 8 years now, a lot for me…

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Pimp shit.

Quite a few of us in this neck of the woods!
We should have our own little Elektron meet!

I am a software developer living in Quebec City , Canada.
I am also the father of a 13 months old girl.
Don’t have much time to make music right now but being a dad is awesome

I plan to move to Montreal next year and I might go back to school part time.
I’m also a keyboard player doing some gigs but just for fun.

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computer scientist working at a robotics firm teaching machines how to “see” and “think”. been doing that for about 3 years now.

music is a very healthy balance for me, excellent break from all of the theory and math.

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nnnice! :slight_smile:

I’ve been managing and building online communities in virtual worlds and social games for the past twenty years. In my current job, this also includes running and coordinating the support and sales sides of things, the latter being a somewhat new experience for me.

Prior to that, I spent a few years working as a freelance journalist for a bunch of German IT and gaming magazines, which I occasionally miss doing. I sometimes localize mobile games, too.

Quite the diverse group here!

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i am a french head chef and love cooking fresh product from local productors!
not enough time to make dub music!!!


I’m a public affairs/outreach consultant in Seattle.

For fun I ride a snowboard and skateboard. I also buy random boutique music equipment and make killer 4-bar loops that don’t really go anywhere :wink:

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So many interesting and diverse careers.

I’m a corrosion and pressure vessel inspector in Western Australia.
It’s pretty much as dry as it sounds although it takes me to a lot of places and I get to build drones and small radio controlled camera crawlers that film inside pipes.

I have loved synths and elektronic music ever since my dad brought home a just released double album called Equinox and Oxygene.
Never done anything musically on a professional level except for a sporadic stint through the 90’s as a rave dj.

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I’m an alternative Kiwi guy who suddenly found himself in Sydney as a Senior Video Editor for two Breakfast TV shows and an Afternoon Entertainment show we launched last year (think “Extra” or E!").

So by night I’ll be editing interviews with Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, etc and then at even-later-night/when-the-day-star-rises I’ll be learning how to make the most distorted yet tasteful noises possible to offset my misdeeds. My work/life balance is pretty naff for practising though, 12-14hr days is the average at work so often I just want to vege. It’s worth it though, even small steps at a time.

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Forklift driver in the automotive industri during weekdays …weekends label DJ for Antiscarp Records spinning freestyle psysounds & dancefloor pumping beats :slight_smile:

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…been fun reading

I’m a Doctor of Audiology and assistant professor at a state university

In our clinic
I specialize in pediatric audiology
Hearing aid fitting
Cochlear implant mapping
Tinnitus and hyperacusis therapy
Balance eval and treatment
Electrophysiologic auditory testing.

I teach hearing science, advanced hearing aid
fitting, instrumentation, and auditory electrophysiology
to the doctor of audiology students and to the medical
doctor residents (mostly pediatrics).

also work closely with some of our PhDs here on
central auditory processing disorders. We are currently
developing an app version of our CD based auditory therapy
program that came out a few years ago.

started looking into the hearing sciences many years ago when I went to
an ear nose and throat doctor about my tinnitus.
He told me there was nothing I could do about it and to
just live with it.

It’s such a great thing to do as a “day job”


Nice thread, and i’ll partecipate! :slight_smile:

I’m a project manager in a communication agency, i started as freelance web developer and today i manage projects getting stuff and requests from clients, discuss with them about all, and then organize the development with designers and developers.

I mantain my webdeveloper freelance activity too as in Italy rates are really low nowadays, so i need to make extra efforts to get some more bucks :frowning:

The bad thing of all is that i don’t have enough time, as i would, to play with my music gear, but sometimes, before going to sleep, i have some half hour session with monomachine and rytm paired with microbrute and an an200.

I hope in a “better” future to have more time to have fun.

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This really is a most professionally appointed forum!

I am a signwriter by trade and “manage” a workshop in Adelaide.
We do mostly architectural signage and sculptures and “stuff with things for people”.
Not many tradies interested in music tech though.
Work with a guy who is an accomplished guitarist. At least we can talk music.
Dont get in the studio much 6 or so hrs a week unfortunately.
Back in the 90’s spent every night in the one i had then, think it contributed to my subsequent divorce.
My missus (now) (not married but 10 years under the belt) doesnt complain too much when i get GAS (on both counts).
As long as i have her in the lifestyle she requires.
Anyway, a guy at Soundseasy in sydney suggested the MD when i was looking for drums,
Love the elektrons.
Have MD and A4 and a bunch of other stuff. Couldnt be happier.
Love this forum too. My equivalent to social media.

Spill my guts? Much


Your not the only one .
I just started a new short term job (mainly to get my fitness back) at a timber revival company. We rip out the old floor boards and ceiling joists in old warehouses and they are made into furniture etc…
I am soooo f*#k’n sore :sob: .


Software engineer, working on embedded systems for cable modem gateways and TV set-top boxes for the US (am based near Leeds/Bradford in the UK). A lot of embedded Linux, but I specialise in proper real-time systems. I mainly work down at the level of bootstraps and bootloaders.

Did mean I was spending a lot of time in the US for around 10 years, but we now have support engineers in the same buildings as the customers.

I’d really like to work on audio kit - and am arguably ideally suited (especially since I’ve done a fair bit of DSP work), but am tied to my location due to family (elderly in-laws who need support). No time to work on such stuff either. I’ve barely got enough time to work in my studio on my own material at the minute.

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I’m a primary school teacher. :+1:

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Senior Animator @ Moonbot Studios.
We make short films, commercials, video games, apps, and books.
Hopefully doing our first feature film soon.

Lately I’ve been getting to do a lot of sound design, and creating music for some of our projects which is really fun.

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Hi Guys I got a chemical etching buisiness in Mexico making nameplates for alot of industries having decent time to make music playing mostly Sax Guitar and Elektrons :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and doing hand tools woodwork for hooby :slight_smile:

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