Social Networking, it's horrible, I'm out

Wonder if the fine art market will ever be like this. Still seems like a stigma for a serious gallery to represent someone they don’t discover.

I don’t profess to be an expert but the art world seems a big money-making racket than the music one.

At the high-end they’ll do anything to turn a pound.


From my limited experience and from what I’ve heard from people who have worked in that world the sleaze level in the fine art market makes the music industry etc. seem like unicef.


Yeah, it’s probably nearly as bad as fashion.

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I think it’s far worse based on people I know who have worked in both industries… I also hang lights a few times a year at a fine art fair and the things I’ve overheard from gallery owners etc. over the years would sound like pure farce if I were to repeat them.

I just miss MySpace the way it used to be back in 2005 :pensive: social media was the shit when it started.

Been without any social media since 2014 and doing great :man_shrugging: my music reach is slowly improving without marketing aid.

I’m not hugely anti-social media. I enjoy both Instagram and Twitter in small bites. But…

What I find frustrating about social media is the algorithms that pick and chose what gets amplified, even just with harmless content like jam videos without even talking about polarising political content. I think you can have chronological timelines on some platforms but they should be by default.

I think that is one thing I like about a forum like this, which is social and people share content and ideas but it doesn’t use some algorithm to drive posts or post order. Threads/posts just get stacked based on most recent and there is little way to “game it”. I feel things are more honest as a result.

So much of the time social media feels like shouting into a void as a result of these algorithms. Tip it the other way and people with lots of traction/followers/success etc end up burnt out and sometimes mentally broken by these platforms.

Social media should be renamed algorithmic media or something more honest about what is really happening.

I doubt I’ll leave social media in 2023 but I do wish these platforms would focus on genuine interactions between people and sharing of content more equally than network effects, curation, and influencers—but that won’t happen!


Any Gen X’ers remember the real early days of AOL chat? Man, that place was lit! back in the Wild West when it was mysterious and it took effort to meet and socialize with others. Things hadn’t been monetized, censored, and socially engineered yet. Fuck I miss those exciting times. I don’t do any social media, not even for business at this point. If I use a wrong pronoun on a product video Ill have the FBI at my door doing a sneak and peak.

And these days you get arrested just for saying you’re English.


If you feel there is something that makes you unhappy with social network just let it go: you are not forced to suffer and you don’t have to feel guilty about letting it go.

I did quit watching TV about 20 years ago, I haven’t owned one since then and I feel perfectly fine.


And thrown in jail.

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Elektronauts has really let itself go.

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This is an interesting article on how social platforms die. Good read.


Cory Doctorow is great. I’d recommend his book Information Doesn’t Want to Be Free.

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