Solid State Logic six compact mixer

But it’s not the other side of the world :slight_smile: should you ever be around, just PM me. You never know, right?


Hehe yes, i wasnt trying to be naugthy bc would it be of any use to you if i lied to you? Right?

Hey! i just saw that pic of your small studio. Really cute! :slight_smile:
Look… To me it was just overly processes. Nothing more. Just continue to experiment and youll be there! … itz a matter of time and effort, as you know. I asked you about your monitoring system bc imo it’s much more important then anything else in studio (but only if or when you know your system well). Akg 712 are great headphones (had them) but imo you should also buy speakers if you can, even cheap ones are better then good hp imo, not the cheapest one tho :wink: (well, you can buy reaaaly good speakers today for the price of Ssl six :wink: ). Ime it’s really hard to mix properly on hphones, sometimes even to evaluate 2-3 db eq changes can be hard.

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I care because you do! :slight_smile:



Yep, you’re right, I’m mostly trying out the features now, to see the difference, not so concerned about the results but more on what it can do and in what context.

Usually, when I’ve reached as far as I can with my headphones, I shop around with my mixes to different places. Monitoring at friends’ places, using their speakers, everything from kitchen setups to proper studios. And then, finally just run the music through crap systems, since that’s where most people will listen to it in the end. I did not do anything like this with the SSL SiX testing, but will when I work on proper tracks. Will probably be just as revealing :slight_smile:

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No A/R controls, it’s set, just amount and makeup vol. There is HPF on the master bus comp. The manual explains it nicely and gives the values; in schematic too. Wet/dry, is basically having it on/off, but if you want it does subtle compression very delicately.

Here’s an actual track I mixed through the SSL now and recorded straight from it. I routed the Blackbox outs to keep drums on ch1 and ch2, splitting them up and applying compression and EQ. Put the lead on stereo ch3 and 4, as well as the ambient stuff. Balanced the groups within the Blackbox at the best of my abilities, then applied the SSL faders to push it some and balance it more, and send it through the bus compressor.


I took the day off to record some guitar pieces:

Guitars are micd from amp into channel 1 of sslsix. Then:
Stereo send to infinity looper which goes to input 3/4
Stereo send to delay and reverb which go to 5/6
Aux out front looper goes through superego+ which goes into ch 2 on the six.
Mainouts to duet then iPad at 24/96.
Later I’ll run the recordings though ssl fusion and manley elop, and I’ll be done. Got 10 ‘tracks’ done. Fun day.


The six is really good.


The SSL Six is great and gives a little more punch to my behringer RD8 and nord G2 ^^
Very versatile Mixer use it more as an Patchbay and extra input for my DAW. Keep the Frequncy alive :wink:


This looks excellent, but the setup looks very confusing. I have a guitar, and a couple of stereo boxes going into my Mackie 1202, plus stereo ins from an iPad and a computer.

Then there’s a stereo FX return, and the alt 3+4 outs, plus one of the aux sends is routed to my Digitakt.

It looks like the Six can handle all that, but the knobs are all over the place. On the Mackie all the channels have their knobs and dials lined up, parallel and easy to understand.

With the Six, wouldn’t I just be trying to remember which knob does what the whole time?


this was mixed on a SSL SiX using mostly Elektron gear


Got my SiX yesterday and have to say - I’m totally blown away. Sound character, built quality and features.

What a beautiful sounding device - lovin it since the first moment.


Well, I’m pretty disapointed in myself. I think I’ve come to regret selling my six. I saw myself getting a standalone Gbus down the road, but it’s just sort of silly for me to consider. I wasn’t crazy about the compressors on the mono channels, but I can just insert my tweakers. Despite my complaints about the six, nothing else is ticking the right boxes to replace it. I won’t get one back for what I sold it for including the dsubs, oh well.

FYI Warm audio just released a G-Bus clone


I’m using it for my everything now. I’ve quickly become rigid about multiple outs from my gear. I’ve eyed the MPC One for example, since there’s some limitations in the Blackbox which is starting to get to me. But being able to plug in three stereo outs or six mono outs from the Box to the SSL, work the track from there and record for master, can’t be beat. No One for me.


Interesting! I’d love to hear it, unfortunately I had bad luck with 2 seperate WA76’s having detection circuits that would drop out randomly in the middle of bounces, along with some cosmetic flaws from the factory, so I wouldn’t be looking to buy anymore Warm Audio.

Interesting, I’m painfully trawling through the 8 page thread on GS and few people complained about build quality with WA :thinking:

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MPC live has 6 outs :nyan:

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  1. GS is a very opinionated forum who have people with champagne expections but blue ribbon beer budget.

  2. People who have a low budget for studio design tend to not have the best AD converters in their setups.

  3. There are people who use cheap AD converter devices and squish everything with the compressor. Then they wonder why it sounds so bad. Cheap AD converters can’t handle high ratio compression with a high output. It will clip and sound bad. There’s people on there that can buy something like a real SSL4000 and not know how to use it but complain about sound quality due to cheap converters.

  4. There are people on that forum who don’t have enough hours of experience and with different material to say if the compressor is good. Are their mix levels good ?Did they leave enough headroom on the master or track before hitting the compressor? Are they starting with a soft knee first or something more extreme?

  5. If you have a good AD converter and monitoring system I’m sure you can get the warm audio to sound nice with hours of practice. These clone compressor manufacturers are getting closer to the SSL sound if not improving on it.


I get around all this by never using a compressor.