Solo option?

It was more user error simply due to plugging in a midi controller. Users were accidently sending cc93 from an external controller unknowingly and with no marker in the digitakt ui to signifying things were muted this caused major problems. The only way to unmute tracks when solo was activated was to unsolo and with no indicator what track was soloed even experienced elektron users had issues.

I do wish they had found a different implementation rather than removing it though.


Totally agree with this. So important to have, too

Has this discussions led to anything ?

I think if the feature was confusing it could be restored but deactivated by default and enabled through settingsā€¦

Also, itā€™s less about having an external CC to control it than a key combination : FUNC + TRK + track number is the obvious one

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I think the CC was the issue. If you were mucking about setting CCs while the box was running, if you passed over 90 [I think it was] and solo got set without you knowing it, people didnā€™t know where to look to fix it. Suddenly nothing werked. And folks got all antsy.

I like having a CC for solo. But I get why itā€™s gone.

at least thatā€™s how I recall things going down

Right, so a key combination has never been explored ? Is there any way to bring this to the teamā€™s attention ? I reckon this would be a quick winā€¦

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It was there a LONG time ago. At release. Donā€™t remember what the reason for its removal was

To be sure Iā€™m not using selective memory Iā€™ll have to check the manual at release. I usually keep them all archived.

What was the idea of it? How was it different or better than quickly muting other tracks?

Much easier to solo one track than mute 5 with the possibility of not triggering properly. It seemed like when you tried to press more than three at once, would get some that wouldnā€™t mute.


Hello, anyone knows if there is a workaround to solo a track despite preparing mute at pattern level?

I think itā€™s CC 90ā€¦if they havenā€™t removed it.

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Ok thanks a lot

It looks like itā€™s gone [still]. Even if you go up a few posts, I had noted this. Solo used to be there, but it seems like a bunch of people would unknowing/accidentally soloed a track and could figure out why all tracks went silent but one.

Me, I would make the stupid move of selecting a CC value for a knob whole recording, effectively setting p-locks on all the values as I scrolled thru the list. A lot of times passing solo, in turn, muting all the other tracks :man_facepalming:t5:

Sorry, seems like solo is still gone. You COULD set up a master control somewhere that mutes at tracks with a button. But youā€™d have to make a button for each track you wanted to solo. Enterā€¦MAX/MSP :wink:

I think I will just do that through overbridge + midi controller

Didnā€™t know this used to exist on the Digitakt.

Itā€™s pretty crazy on the Syntakt to have to mute 11 tracks if you want to listen to one track.

Donā€™t get why there even was a CC, this is something you need when mixing and writing music with the box itself.


Agree. 12 Tracks + FX and externals and it would be so nice to solo stuff on the Syntakt and the other square boxes!

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Old thread but I wanted to give this a boost in case anyone from Electron is listening- I really miss solo, it is such a pain with the new Digitakt update to have mute everything to listen to the new sliced tracks etc.

I am sure there must be a way for them to implement this!