i don’t find the octatrack tutorials or manual good enough for a total novice.
Can someone help me understand this?
If I am trying to record using a flex machine and the r1recordindg buffer is correctly set to the machine, how do I record a loop and then have it totally in sync with the recording source?
I record a 4 bar bass drum loop but it ends up clashing with the source material once recorded.
Also do I need to “arm” any tracks to record in the first place? I can’t recall seeing anything about arming tracks.
Also how do I reset a machine so it goes to the default settings? Just choose a new one?
One thing I’m puzzled about is how do I know if I’m recording trigs that will record a sample or if they are trigs to play back the recorded sample?
Sorry guys but it’s just so hard to understand.
I want to record a loop then record on another loop but building up a track but it stay in time and not be obvious that I’m recording a fresh sample. Is there a best machine to use for that?