I often use song mode with a single pattern where each song mode row mutes different tracks to add and remove layers.
The pattern I’m working with now has a melody with a pickup that starts at the end of the loop. To make that happen, I’ve added the ~1st (not 1st) condition to all of the triggers except for the pickup at the end. So if I simply play the full pattern outside of song mode, it plays through once and picks up the melody at the end of the first loop. Cool.
In song mode, however, I have some rows of this pattern playing with the melody muted. Eventually, the melody is unmuted in a new row. What I was expecting to happen is for the ~1st trig to be evaluated within that row, but instead it seems like it’s evaluated in the context of the whole song. I guess that seems reasonable, but it wasn’t what I expected.
Is there some way to get the behavior I want while still working with a single pattern?
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First thing that comes to mind is setting the pick up trigs to condition 100% with track probability to 0%.
You only need to set prob to 100% once you reach the pickup and there ya go.
(Not clear which Elektron machine you work with though but I assumed a digi box. )
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Thanks, @DaveMech!
Yes, Syntakt in this case.
It must be time to level up my trigonometry, because I think you’re saying I can use a (trigless?) lock to change the default probability of the track from 0% to 100%?
Manual time…
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Nope it’s just the PROb parameter I’m talking about. So you have to do this manually. But if you push the encoder and flick it, it’s a 1 second move.
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You could also use nonfill for this. Might be easier.
No condition for the pickup and give the other trigs the non fill condition.
This way you just have to hold the page button (or latch it before pressing play) until the pickup. Release and there ya go
(Might be problematic if you’ve setup other fill conditions though)
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I misread this at first but have another workaround idea I used once, using a sound macro and midi loopback (because I was already using these as performance controls)…
It’s elaborate but allows for full automation of a melody lead-in:
1 Set up the melody sound with MW or other sound to turn off the sound when MW is at 127, on at 0.
2. A midi track (on Syntakt or another device) sends MW 127 to that track until the lead-in, then 0 afterward,
3. Lead-in song row: MIDI track on, audio track on.
4. Melody song row: midi track off, audio track on.
Offset in song mode would fix this problem, maybe just maybe they’ll decide to add it…
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If you have a spare pattern available in the bank, you could just use that? Not as elegant, but easy to set up, and to under what’s happening if you come back to the song in the future.