Song Mode, will it break? Digitone + Digitakt IDM/Electro

Dear Nauts,

thought I’d try and sort of break song mode creating an IDM / electro break beat. It didn’t break (but then it did, didn’t it? I’ll let myself out).

Anyway, really going to town with it is actually a lot of fun. It’s created with Digitakt and Digitone where Digitakt is using song mode with a lot of tempo changes, repeats, quick pattern changes and more. It took some heavy programming and calculations but the result is interesting I think.



Really like this change in style! really really nice stuff :slight_smile:

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Nice sounds. Which box is master clock? The song mode wig out doesnt seem to be affecting the digitone, how is that achieved?

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Looks like the Digitakt is the master

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This is really nice.

I need to get off my ass and install the song mode firmware on the Digis! Tempo automation is an attractive feature (like on the OT arranger).

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Dope. Really flexing the Digi muscles here! Song mode is a gamechanger


Keep up the good work and Song Mode will become its own music sub genre

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Great use of song mode. Having one box dedicated to song mode and the other for live tweaking is something I hadn’t thought of doing; it certainly allows for a degree of freedom within the rigidity of song mode. Gonna have to give it a try myself!



The Digitone is synced to Digitone only by transport, not by clock. This way it will start at the same time but won’t be effected by tempo changes etc.


Thanks @nilsec @ElectricBear @lowph @Cepheid @boredsofcanada !

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Thanks :slight_smile:
Yeah works very nicely. I have a few other ideas that i want to try out with song mode. I’ll record videos of those as well

Watched this late last night as I was starting to get pretty anxious about an operation (aka surgery) today, and it calmed me down nicely! :ok_hand:

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That’s wonderful :blush: hope everything went okay! Wishing you a swift recovery