From the App Store blurb:
StarWaves puts you in a non-gravitational environment.
It can import the sonic material in its concrete form as
recorded files. Then this digital data is being
represented as 3D rigid physical forms in space. We
name them “the platform blocks” distributed spatially, a
structure which stems from the sonic material being
imported. There can be 100s of them, reaching the
granular levels of sonic material. The layout of the
platforms can be designed with 3D tools like positioning,
rotation; they can be stretched, bent, scattered along
their physical dimensions in continuous transformations.
StarWaves uses on its scene the transmitters which
send particles and beams of light to the space
( reminiscent to particle behavior of light or sound)
They hit the platform blocks ( representing the sonic
material ) get reflected and collide with further objects,
travel in distance until they die.
The time they collide with these rigid bodies they trigger
sonic events and start a flow of synthesis processes
depending on the kinematic behavior. It is this
continuous spatial interaction, this physical realm which
composes the sonic being and applies continuous
transformations on its texture.
On StarWaves, we don’t interact directly with the sound
data as on a standard sound synthesis tool but we
design the architecture of the scene which will compose
the sonic organization through the kinematic
interactions and let perform this on a timeline. Here, the
sound has no separate existence from space, time and