SOPHIE's sound design (Digitone or Monomachine?)

Im in the same boat - would love to get a MnM, but it would be a irresponsible move for me, given it’s prices, and the fact that it’s a 15yo (not sure) machine with growing uncertainty regarding the possibility of repair.

However, I don’t really think there’s anything similar to it in Elektron line up, or in any other company’s line up right now. The specific early 00s idm flavour it has is really something special. However if what you’re after is Sophie-inspired sound design, I think DN can make you pretty happy - it sure worked that way for me. Or You can get Cycles, if you don’t want to invest too much cash.

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If you really want to chase the SOPHIE Monomachine sound without buying a Monomachine, to be honest the only thing that might come close would be software and a lot of time. You can get FM synths, or wavetable synths, but not something that combines the particular character of the synths and FX chained into each other with p-locks and parameter slides.

I don’t think either DN or MC sound very much like the Monomachine, nor are they designed in a similar way (apart from the sequencers). I think the DN has more of the spirit though - more corners to explore freely.


Well if you start slicing samples of FM+wavetable+FX then you get close again.

I would encourage you to explore FM synthesis in general before making another purchase. It’s a tricky synthesis to learn but it is quite rewarding to design sound with, stay strong and continue your creative journey.

If you decide to sell the DN you can always rely on Operator in Ableton, although it’s interface isn’t nearly as intuitive as the DN.

I think learning how it’s done is one thing but if you use the same methods your music may be labelled ‘sounds like Sophie’

Not necessarily a bad thing unless you want to define your own sound (which is incredibly difficult)

See also’ sounds like aphex / boards of Canada / autechre / Kraftwerk / status quo (or oasis)

I’m guilty of this with Lfo and other acts.‘


The two extra destinations for key tracking is a big part of the MnM so that alone, in my estimation would make it hard to find a hardwave synth capable of similar stuff, not to even begin with its unique sound and infrastructure.

Nord Modular?
(never tried any but from the looks of it, you gain in flexibility what you loose in intuitivity)

I’ve had good results getting similar sounds out of the Digitone. It’s all about short delays, overdrive, and clever envelope and LFO work. Don’t waste your money on a 2000 dollar instrument trying to sound like another artist. You don’t really need any special gear for her sound, it’s all about attitude. Any FM or additive synth paired with a delay can probably get you close.


I agree. I almost bought a MnM a few weeks ago locally but then cancelled the meet.

Something clicked in my head that I could get an A4 and a Digitone for just a little more and have way more of a world.

But I’m also not seeking someone else’s specific sound.


Fair enough, sorry if my post came off a certain way; trust me I found myself lusting after a Monomachine after hearing her work for the first time too. I think you made the right move, the Monomachine is definitely special and I hope for a follow up sometime in the future, but the Digitone has more of the DNA than I think a lot of people realize. In some ways it’s more powerful, too!

I never heard of her until I saw her name connected with the rise of the MnM prices a few months ago. I listened to some guys cover of a song of hers to get an overall idea of the sound I see a lot of people obsessing over. Pretty unique.

I missed plenty of golden opportunities for a MnM. But I thought they’d just get cheaper again soon, not double in price. :’(

Long live the Digitone. 8 voices shared over 4 tracks is better anyway. :slight_smile:

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Now I want to get another Digitone. Gear lust is back. Lol.

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No this is monomachine. I know people say digitone is similar but it really is not at all sound wise. Also there are no slides, no fx parameter locking, no flanger, no fx chaining. Don’t get me wrong I think digitone sounds great and has much better ui and a better “base” sound but it’s not a replacement for monomachine not even close. Even the fm sounds totally different on the two machines. I will say these types of sounds take forever on the monomachine to make and you kind of have to luck into them in some instances. And then you just spent a ton of time sounding like someone else which doesn’t really get you anywhere artistically. Finding your own sound will be much more rewarding whether it’s monomachine or some other synth.


You made me want a monomachine then you made me want to plug in my digitakt.

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I have a MnM and I don’t sound like Sophie. Although I’m not sure I know the Sophie sound, I have heard a bunch of her tracks, and just to clue you in- when I turn on my MnM it doesn’t sound like that. I’ve heard she used one, but whatever, she probably would’ve made the same stuff in Ableton if MnM’s were out of reach price wise.
I’ll say it for the record. You don’t need a MnM to sound like Sophie. Quote me on it and quit buying them for exorbitant prices!


This is it really. But then again I’m a massive Autechre fan and own a Monomachine, Nord Lead and Nord Modular, sooo… coincidence?


People really be spending $2k to cover a few songs.

Yeah, I get it. There seem to be article’s out there. Autechre uses and has used Max for a while now, or so say the article’s. Kind of crazy that Autechre actually released their sysex and the prices didn’t double… Must be the pop mystique.

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Different fans, different generations. Wisdom comes with age or something like that.

@RobertSyrett I think you misunderstood me, I’m in the market to buy a new elektron machine and want something close to Sophie’s sound. I haven’t yet bought anything but wanna buy something really reliable and interesting that doesn’t get me bored very easily and doesn’t’ break the bank at the same time.

And hence confused between monomachine, DN and now cycles @Loku5150 's suggestion