Sound Locks: Works with +Drive Sound library

I got an A4 recently and I’m working through the manual. I got to the section about Sound Locks, where it notes that, “the major benefit of Sounds loaded to the Sound pool is the possibility for them to be Sound locked.”

However, I just tried applying a Sound Lock to a sound I loaded coming from the +Drive, and it worked. More specifics, in case it illuminates: The sound I chose from the +Drive is called “Orbitales.” I applied Sound Locks to two note trigs on its Track, changing them to a “Low Tom” and “Snare Arm.”

Am I misunderstanding anything or is perhaps this portion of the manual no longer up to date?

Thanks for any help.

It sounds as if you’re rather locking the “Low Tom” and “Snare Arm”. Are they loaded into your sound pool?

Ah, I think I understand now.

I had interpreted the ability to change the sound in a Track from the Sound Pool and then changing a note trig. as “sound locking,” but given your statement, it looks like “sound locking” is just the latter part, the availability of the sound when you wish to alter a note trig. sound? Yes, the “Low Tom” and “Snare Arm” are in the Sound Pool.

That clarifies it for me.

By the way, looking forward to your next Youtube vid!

Ah, I think I understand now.

I had interpreted the ability to change the sound in a Track from the Sound Pool and then changing a note trig. as “sound locking,” but given your statement, it looks like “sound locking” is just the latter part, the availability of the sound when you wish to alter a note trig. sound? Yes, the “Low Tom” and “Snare Arm” are in the Sound Pool.

That clarifies it for me.

By the way, looking forward to your next Youtube vid![/quote]
Cool! Glad you got it sorted!