Sound Quality OT ;)

let’s say they are virtually analog :sweat_smile: just like the OT with flutter LFO on pitch

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Topic title


Or like this :



One more thing :wink: It’s also about digital summing versus analog summing, I tought about that later on. This might be the main reason why I didnt like the sound of the OT. So, the OT is just not a traditional sampler to compare with others samplers when it comes to sound quality.



It’s like saying Candyman three times

I agree with @Microtribe. I’m out. Have fun.

I’m not studio buff by any means, however I watch plenty of random video’s on youtube that I think this one may be of use to you since you are considering “producing” your tracks via the OT. The guy in the video goes into having 20yrs of producing experience and though he is comparing the MPC and the OT, he does go into his experience with attempting to produce his tracks on the OT and the issues he found with it when it came to the quality of it’s sound as well as some other things that may be worth considering in your situation.

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I’m not a musician by any means. My approach of sampling seems more like somebody who is experimenting with Eurorack to design a sound. Instead of opinions it’s interesting to listen to the content that is available online from someone who gives a opinion about the OT. This is very interesting sometimes and it defines your own set of rules. Quite refreshing to do that and when someone tells they have 20 years of experience, it doesn’t mean that much from my experience :wink:


The fucking CRINGE of that narration omg

Well, I can understand that nothing in sound is, well, concrete, however the guy did use it to try and mix his tracks and mentions more noticeable issues when it came to mastering and the sound w/ the OT compared to the MPC, but yeah I really don’t know much in that department I just enjoy messing with sound design as my fun and just trying to make various styles of music just to play around. The last few things I put out were dubbed to cassette, so high fidelity isn’t something I’m really concerned about for my uses. But I just thought w/what the guy was asking that it might be useful for what he’s asking.


Just don’t expect the OT to give you an expert mix as it doesn’t have half the tools you need.

Any sounds I make using OT get recorded individually (with max tweakage!). It gives as good as you need.

However, if you just want something to play back stems which you aren’t going to morph…. Well that’s a waste of an OT. Go mpc or 1010.

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Tubedigga is a MPC head and he does do some interesting tutorials, but I think he is a bit biased towards the MPC here, if he had as much experience with the OT it would be more interesting, because saying the MPC can mangle a sample as well as the OT simply isn’t accurate. Sure you can transform a sample in the MPC in a similar way, like make a bass sound out of a noise sample or whatever, but then making that same sample, on the same track into say a piano sound for example would take much more time and effort. Of course it goes both ways too, good luck trying to play that sample polyphonically on the same track on the OT.

The OT IMHO has enough facilities to mix a finished track, nowhere near as many as the MPC, but get your samples right in the first place, a bit of level, eq, filtering and fx is all you need.

I really like both machines and I like that they are different, I’m comfortable working with either, both or neither of them, and of course they can work very well in tandem too.

If I was doing a song with many parts and vocals I’d reach for the MPC, if I was doing an acid set I’d reach for the OT, both could be used for either but best to choose the best tool for the job, like anything else really.


It has all the tools you need to mix a track.

Depends on the standard of mixing. I definitely wouldn’t.

Compressor is bollocks.
2 inserts per track
No dedicated sends
No volume automation
Only 8 tracks is a big ouchy
Could go on…

Seriously it’s a performance sampler! Not a studio.

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True, but you don’t need a DAW or a full blown studio to produce a good track. Ask Fin25.

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I’d have to spend ages setting up multiple sends and bouncing stems. A very unforgiving exercise.

With respect it depends on the project, your skill/patience/expectations, it can be a studio for sure, again depending.

8 tracks is plenty for some things, not enough for others, etc.

It can do volume automation, per step if needed, or using slide/LFO for smoother fades.

Compressor is not all singing all dancing multiband mastering compressor, but hardly “bollocks” it can be very useful and sound good, but like any compressor it can also sound crap with the wrong settings.


Here’s my latest, most pertinent anecdote on OT sound quality:

Lately I’ve been trying to get my TR-6S to sound as good as possible. I’m talking as good as mastered tracks, finished records good.

The signal chain that has finally done it for me is a combination of OT MK1 compressor + EQ , and Analog Heat MK1.
With Heat disengaged, the TR-6S without the OT comp and EQ it sounds far more thin and digital than samples coming out of my OT by itself.

So, for my needs OT is making my lesser gear sound even better, and allowing me to get more done with less. Who doesn’t love a turd polisher?
Makes me happy to have a pair of OTs. I’ll probably finally be able to let go of an extra microlimiter I have thanks to this.

YMMV, ever tool is a weapon if you hold it right.


Small post them I’m muting this thread

I use ot to mangle and distort things so I expect a bit of drop in quality.

But for me modern production is daw based , multiband compression , side chaining ( subtle) … precise eq , panning , width definition … or it would be if I ever got that far :slight_smile:
Most of what I record is straight from devices through mixer … most of which add hiss .

Lots of great tracks are not perfect … I have to embrace the gear I have and typically distort and that’s fine and also acknowledge the time I put into each track.

If OT isn’t good enough It’s quicker / easier to sell and buy new gear or change workflow than chat on forums about OT … the tips on the thread are useful but to me it’s a bit like analog vs digital vs vst … it’s endless and I make do with what I have and not lust over the pure ££££££ that analog is supposed to give.