SoundCloud deleted my track for copyright claim!

I’ve experience this before when I tried uploading a track containing lots of samples from a well known track, but this time I’ve only used the Analog 4 and the Machinedrum to synthesize a track. It’s not a very good track either. Is it possible that its waveform looks somewhat similar to another amateur Soundcloud user’s waveform, or what could’ve happened here?

Anyone else experienced this?

They’re so erratic with deleting stuff. I ripped two vinyls and did an entire track that’s was nothing but a couple 2 of minute samples sliced up from them and it was fine, but I use one a loop laying around from a Goldbaby purchase or something and it’s rejected.

Honestly, Soundcloud is really being overly cautious about it. There is no definitive answer from American or (to my knowledge) UK Courts about what degree of sampling is fair use and what degree is Copyright Infringement. I understand preventing wholesale copying and distribution of copyrighted material, but it seems like they changed the algorithm and now kicks back a very wide range of modern sample-based (or even just sample USING) music. 3-4 people I know complained to me this week about it…

Has happened to me too. I sent them a message telling that the track they deleted is 100% original etc… Wasn’t long after that, that the track was back online. Very frustrating :thinking:

Yeah, I sent them a complaint too. I’m starting to dislike SoundCloud more and more, ever since the new design I think it’s been harder to navigate around it and key features just seem to be hidden or made harder to do (like creating a set, which you could easily do while uploading earlier). Oh, well. Thanks for your replies, guys. :slight_smile:

It also seems like sometimes, the playback of whatever data compression they use is totally screwed up (or at least, different, such that your recordings sound totally different from one day to the next).

Really? I haven’t noticed that, but I’ll definitely keep an ear open to it!

What about when they delet your dj set and the famous dj’s sets are still there?