Source for one shot samples?

While watching various YouTube videos on Elektron products I happened upon one that mentioned a web source for one shot samples. You buy a package of credits that entitles you to download a certain value of samples, then brows the library and chose the samples you want. Only using up credits on samples you want. Now I am interested but I cannot find the site. A google search on “one shot samples” and “Digitakt samples” was no help. It keeps refering to over and over which is not what I want. Finding that video again will be almost impossible since I have watched hundreds.

Does anyone know what site this is?

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There are many, but these have a credit-type of system. Maybe?

blatant self promo - if you want to completely overwhelm yourself for only $10 here’s 1800 one shots. spend time making your kits.


Thanks. I will check out these sites. I have plenty of drum. Looking for noises, vocal riffs, etc…

Tracklib have sponsored a load of YT videos recently but not sure they have a lot of one shots…

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