SP404 mk2 production tips/tricks/problem solving/bugs

I’ve made a few, but recently have settled on one kit I really like, so I keep that in Project 1 and then copy the project to a new project slot when starting something else.

I’m totally with you. In the last few years, I went from the DT to Logic to the SP. So it’s a big change philosophically as you say.

Definitely come up with a system for how you use banks.

I have my dry drums in Bank A, and then use either Bank B or the next bank over for resampled versions.

I use the last couple of banks as either the spot I chop to or the spot I sample into and keep the “dry” samples. I then sort of build out toward the middle and as much as possible, I try to keep things tidy by deleting things I definitely won’t need and using exchange to move stuff around.

Be careful, when you make a pattern, it is sequencing the pad where the sample lives, not the sample. So if you move the sample, you will screw up your pattern. For this reason, I resample my patterns into a bank when I’m done, as I lost some work at one point.

For ultimate control, I would suggest mastering the pattern sequencer and song mode. That’s how I built the dub track I did. It’s a very capable workflow.

That said, for the latest beat battle, I used resample to create my track live. It’s a lot more harrowing as your final track has to be done live, but I think this method is likely where a lot of the magic lies, in terms of the old school SP vibe. (That said, I did use pattern mode to build some sections, which I resampled and then combined with other snippets created from resample mode).

Anyway, I’m rambling on, but long story short, coming up with a workflow in terms of how you build stuff, where you save it, and how you do the final sequencing is definitely the first hurdle. A big part of that is learning not just what you can do with effects, but making use of “remain” to avoid stacking the same effect, and here again it’s like playing chess because you need to think about what order you want to apply effects if you are going to bake them in. :thinking: :chess_pawn:


This is way sps always worked in terms of effects. Like dimensions only way ever to bake in/save effects Is to resample. But this is where the magic happens.

I linked below one of my favorite sp forums posts. It’s about different unintended uses for sp effects and people talking about their favorite resample effect combos.

This cat L0WCOST says it best

this topic just make me think " i miss my 404" because it’s all in the box and so many effects ( i miss vinyl sim, filter, tape echo, reverb , i can resample easily ,e v e r y t h i n g :’( …
i think it’ll stay the best sampler for me because each time i try an other one, i return on 404.

reverb + phaser / reverb + flanger / delay + reverb on sample ___ pitch + eq or chorus on drums (especialy on hats and snares)___ double vinyl sim on everything___resample on tape___ beatmaking is like cooking ??


The old units didn’t even save bpm settings, so most sp heads would record a sample of themselves saying the bpm using the internal mic. It’s funny cause I’ve been long time sp user, so when I switched over to the mpc one, I couldn’t believe how tedious it was saving samples projects etc, from stark contrast since the sp file saving is super simplified in comparison.
All the weird workarounds peeps would have to do just to copy a pattern.

So I think there is an interesting disconnect between former sp users and users who’s mk2 is their first sp. some old sp heads are fighting against old sp muscle memory to the point of hating the new units, because the have to adapt to the workflow and some are looking at simple functions like real pitch, mute groups, amp envelopes like this shit is next level. New users having that ahhhh hah moment about the beauty of the sp workflow and others that want it to be an mpc with the bloatware feature creep.

All in all, old man yelling at clouds we are so spoiled to have so many dope affordable samplers to mess with. Each with their strengths and weaknesses. Each with some thing to learn and take to the next. But the beauty is mastering the machine and making it yours.

I’ve come realize I just am obsessed with samplers. And from this thread and many others on this beautiful forum I can tell I am not the only one!


I’m just scratching the surface with creative uses, but one I discovered in my last project is that you can use the DJFX Looper in a very interesting way for sound design, that has nothing to do with stutter effects.

Sorry to keep spamming the world with my track, but hearing is the best way to describe it I think.

From around 0:19 seconds you’ll hear what sort of sounds to me like a dude in a kung fu film yelling, and then from around 0:33 it goes into regular drums.

That’s actually the same drums on both parts, but what I did is disable effects on the main sample using remain, so that only the drums are running through the effects (ie, isolating the drums for effects). Then you choose DJFX Looper, but set Loop SW to off . From here you can use length and speed to isolate and effect different spots in the pattern. So the kung fu yelling sound is actually me isolating the crash with length and then using the speed knob to manipulate the sound. Here I might have combined that with the lofi effect as well for further shaping, but, at any rate, the point is that you can use the effects in crazy unintended ways.

I figured the DJFX Looper wasn’t something I would touch much, as it’s kind of overused, but after I discovered that, I realized there is a lot more possibilities than I had initially thought.


This is more of a reminder, but for those coming from a Digitakt this may be worth remembering. Skip back is super useful but keep in mind that after you have saved some bit of audio from skip back and assigned it to a pad you can’t then go back and continue chopping from the previous skip back audio. I guess the easiest way to say it is you can’t extract multiple samples from skip back. You need to save all relevant audio to a pad, chop it to the individual hits, then resample or use skip back for assigning the chopped hits. This is probably super obvious to some but because you can keep going back to sampled audio on the Digitakt, chopping the relevant samples as you go, this has really tripped me up on the 404. I keep chopping a sample, assigning it to a pad and then I can’t go back to continue editing the audio. It would be an awesome feature if you could return to the skip back audio that would make chopping and assigning really easy. Maybe there is a way to do it that I am unaware of it.


I posted something similar about that, as I had the same experience. I think the best way around it is just don’t truncate. Bounce the whole thing, or everything you might possibly need to a pad, then you can keep going back as much as you want to that version. Not intuitive though!


For sure. I’m sorry I missed that post-it could have saved me some minor heartache losing some samples. That’s the thing about reading about a machine before you actually have it. I read every post about the 404 before I had it but so much would go over my head not having the machine in front of me. But yeah I agree-sample to the pad and go from there.


Totally understandable, there are like 10,000 posts on the SP. Haha. I can’t even find the SP music thread. :slight_smile:

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Not sure if this is a bug or I’m doing something wrong, or it’s working as it should and I just don’t like it but on the Pattern Sequencer when I want to edit an existing pattern I press the pad to start the pattern playing, then press REC and it makes me wait a whole loop of the pattern before I can add/delete notes. I’ve tried loads of different Count-In settings but none of them seem to affect it. Am I doing something wrong? Help a brother out!

Also, it would be sweet if in note delete mode (when all pads are blue) you could hold shift and press the desired pad and it would delete all entries in the pattern from that pad. Wonder if anyone from Roland is listening? :wink:


Personal favourite of mine with the DJFX looper is similarly not using the stutter bit at all but setting the pitch down a little and playing with ctrl 1 to find a sweet spot that I like the sound of. I do this on whole tracks sometimes and it can create an interesting swing depending on how it catches. It’s often never the same twice which is where skip back on this new mk2 is awesome if it spits out something cool!

Old one of mine, this is the original:

Then using the technique resampling a few parts of the original:

Not sure if this is common knowledge but thought I’d share in case it’s new to people.

Edit: Sorry is this exactly what you described you did @DimensionsTomorrow? :woozy_face:


I think that’s along the lines of what I was describing. Definitely dig that and holy crap your track is sick!

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Ah, thanks man :slight_smile: I was gonna take my post down if I was describing the same thing but I guess it’s at least another example of what the technique can do!


Definitely leave it! Sounds great!


As I understand, that’s how it is. Recording only starts after the playing pattern reaches its end…

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Shame that, it slows things down for me. having to wait for one cycle of the pattern before you can put in or take out notes. Especially when the patterns are long. Do you find the same?

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Anyone else get double triggers / trigger failures when finger drumming ? Just unboxed and updated my unit but everytime I do a little jam with the stock sounds I get a random double kick / snare or simply no sound . Happens on pads in all banks and fairly often . Definitely enough to be an issue / huge deal breaker for me

Tried changing pad setting to Log / threshold 1 , gain 10 , and trig span at 5 but still having the issue (found settings from a post on Reddit) . Worried I got a buggy unit .

Any help would be much appreciated , first time poster .


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I recommend checking the manual and adjusting the sensitivity settings until you notice less or no double triggers. If changing the settings doesn’t help then you should be concerned. It’s a fine line between very responsive pads and accidental triggering and settings will depend on your style of finger drumming. Unfortunately that’s all I can say as it really is a personal thing, unless you somehow got a bad unit. Hopefully it’s just the settings. Good luck!

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Have you updated the firmware? Mine was much the same out the box. Double triggers or no triggers.

Updated the firmware and played with the pad settings and problem solved for me.

Oh and welcome to the forum!

Edit: sorry I’ve just read that you have updated. It’s possible there may be an amount of break in time with the pads and also getting used to playing them as I found them quite different in feel to all the other pad controllers I’ve used.

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Crank the trig span up. That’s the “prevent double hits” parameter. The higher it is, the longer the “dead time” on the pad after it’s hit during which it can’t be triggered again.

If you train yourself to do rolls with the sub pad, you can set this really high without consequence.


Appreciate the swift replies guys .

Really frustrating , I’m going to try what you guys recommended and simply get used to the pads for the week .

If it doesn’t work out I’ll have to return and wait til they are readily available (next year?) and get one that isn’t bugged out . Had a rough day yesterday and all I wanted to do was unbox this thing and start learning , but this issue threw me off right at the start .

Thanks yall


I haven’t seen this in the manual yet, but is there a way to assign a Release to a Pad, so that when you select it to Stop playback of it, it Releases with a nice falloff instead of cutting out immediately?

I have some long Samples assigned as Loops to specific Pads, and I’d like them to fade out gracefully when I Stop them during live jamming. Right now the sound just STOPS abruptly with no fadeout.

I know that I can adjust the Attack and Release of the overall Sample in the Envelope view…but this isn’t what I want to achieve. I want a sort of GLOBAL Release for all my Pads without having to assign them to a BUS fx channel with Reverb and Delay…

Thanks for the insight.

Also, are these kind of questions better here or on the other 404 thread?


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