Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

I think by exporting midi sequences to your daw. Or directly sequencing Vst

yes, time sigs are on the project.

however, tracks can be different lengths, and zooms, and has a triplet editing modeā€¦
so theres quite a bit of flexibility there tooā€¦and as you say, track elasticity (*)

honestly, I think squarp may have avoided this a bitā€¦ it caused no end of confusion on the Pyramid.
it was central to the pyramid, and for (made up stat) 90% of users it just got in the way.
(there are endless topics on this on the Squarp forum .!)

(*) id have to double check, but as far as I remember, neither BPM not elasticity is modulatable.
Im not sure this would be practical ā€¦ as the pattern sequencer can sync starting patterns (to beats/bars etc) ā€¦ not sure how it would do that if the timing was (potentially) constantly changingā€¦


Sounds great! Thanks ā€¦ triplet editing mode sounds very convenient too.

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honestly, what I tend to do is use the DAW as

  • as an instrument (host)
  • a tape recorder

so first thing is, I still use a lot of software instruments,
particular in the field of expressive controllersā€¦ since there are not many hardware synths supporting MPE, and frankly there are some awesome soft synths.
but also, because its just so convenient, cheaper than lots of synths!

so thats how I start offā€¦ I use Hapax for all sequencing , and generation ideas and patterns.
(I used to do this with the Pyramid as well, so thats not changed really)

I do this, as I just enjoy that process on hardwareā€¦

from there, when I want to actually record a performance I go one of two ways (both similar) , so ā€˜real timeā€™

a) record audio stems
I used to just record audio stems in the DAW from the soft instruments and hardware I might be using
b) record midi (plus audio from hardware) stems
Iā€™ve started to do this more, as I ā€˜trustā€™ the MPE recording more on daws these days.

frankly both approaches are similar, since I donā€™t start editing the midi at this stage.
really the only advantage of the midi approach, is I can alter instrument parameters in the DAW.

I guess overall the idea is to spend less time at the computer developing the idea, and just finish/polishing it.

Love the multiple projects, but itā€™s power depends on the gear you sequence. With Rytm it would be nice, but because the sample memory is so little Iā€™m afraid I would run out of memory before I run out of projects. And loading a new project on Rytm defeats the purpose.

is it like in the Hermod? triplet are really easy to do with this method.
The only thing that trips me up is that zooming changes the focus on the screen (and consequently, the highlighted pads move too) so when I edit a beat, I donā€™t know where I am anymore and need to move around to go back to where I was before zooming.

Also if you want to use a different drum on Rytm kit the project switching could be a pain cause loading project b will switch sounds on project a. Sorry not meant as a complaint towards Squarp, just thinking out loud how effective the feature is in a live setting with Elektron gear.

@Zijnvelt Indeed, sometimes these things will just move the ā€˜problemā€™ area.
eg you can do program changes per pattern - but is your synth fast enough to really do this?

lol just need more gear :laughing:

I will say having two projects has a few uses, you can also use it as a way to have 32 tracks, since both projects run simultaneouslyā€¦ and given multiple tracks can output to the same device, you can also use it to (kind of) more patterns.

I think this an exciting areaā€¦ I think it wonā€™t be long before we see musicians getting quite creative in this area.

@blakewalt ,
yeah basically you activate triplet mode, and now the zooms are in base 3.
so iirc same as Hermod though, honestly, I donā€™t do much sequencing on Hermod, due to screen size, and it being in the rack ā€¦ I tended to use the Pyramid, more comfortable being on the desk.

I know what you mean about loosing context for editing, Id say its easier on the Hapax, as the pads are showing more, and the right screen is showing notes and a box/window which shows you where the pads are focused.
also they have new viewing options ā€¦ so it can do things like (optionally) page horizontally in ā€˜barsā€™ and scale views pages (vertically) in octaves.

of course, never going to be like editing on a large monitor/piano roll in daw, but given hardware etc, seems good to me.

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Great, thanks for the opportunity!

Hereā€™s my question:
The Hapax looks amazing and does a lot of things right in my book (eg different patterns per track, MPE, up to 32 bars). However, Iā€™m pretty set on the Elektron-Style way of sequencing where you have the steps laid out in front of you and you press and hold a step and play a note on your midi keyboard to add that note incl. itā€™s velocity to the sequence. Do you know if Squarp is thinking about adding that functionality to the Hapax (as an alternative to the Piano-roll style sequencer layout)? Also would love to have Ableton Link support via USB cable but thatā€™s not a deal-breaker.


Looks like I waited too long: sold out till June now :cry: At least thereā€™ll be some good videos to watch soon

This is exactly how I use the Metropolix.

This is actually something Iā€™ve had issues with in the past. I canā€™t remember it exactly and donā€™t know the exact definition of the thing thatā€™s causing it, but iirc Elektron gear has a very specific way of wanting to receive program pattern changes. In my case this meant that my sequencer (Nerdseq) would have to play a pattern once before the Elektron device would switch.

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I do enjoy using the Pyramid - the MIDI FX in particular are powerful and fun, and it looks like theyā€™re expanding on those here (itā€™d be nice if some of the effort fed back into the Pyramid OS). Iā€™m not sure I have a place for the Hapax myself - in this world of Cirklon shortages, and given the depth of the Pyramid, Iā€™d be more tempted if theyā€™d sacrificed a few buttons for a row of 16 encodersā€¦ But I think we can trust Squarp to have a consistent and well-designed interface thatā€™s all their own, which is a valuable thing.


Iā€™m fine with the small screen to enter beats in conjunction with the pads but the Hapax will indeed ease the editing process by a large margin! tempting, temptingā€¦

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ok, so drum track (mode) do work like thisā€¦ basically you have 8 lanes.

and they keyboard learn also works as you describe, also the way you change per step parameters is very elektron like

BUT as you say, in poly track mode, it then puts things into piano roll.
I guess, because for polyphonic tracks having multiple notes on ā€˜one lineā€™ is not very useful.
ā€¦ also bare in mind the hapax makes it much easier to have different note lengths/offsets.

so feels like that would be a step backwardsā€¦
but hey, Squarp are very open to suggestionsā€¦ perhaps they could create a mono track?
(sorry, I donā€™t know if this has been already suggested or not)

one suggestion I have made to them is ā€˜note foldingā€™
this is in some daws, where you only shows notes, that have been usedā€¦ this I think would be very useful when you have smaller screens.

Ableton Linkā€¦ yeah, though Im not sure its well defined how this works over non-network connections. as Ableton assumes it on the network, so you need some kind of ā€˜bridging appā€™ - no?

oh noā€¦ I guess they only had limited stock
it does seem there has been a very good responseā€¦ and Red Means Recording video is only going to make that worst :frowning:


I asked the same question above. I think it might have been less confusing if theyā€™d called this feature ā€˜Dual Projectsā€™ or something ā€¦ because obviously Iā€™m not the only one who thought ā€œwhat ? only two projects ?ā€

Thanks for the answer!

Yeah, I can understand the usefulness of a piano roll if one sticks to a narrow range within one scale (eg classic house tracks that shift minor 7 chords a few steps up and down) but in my case thatā€™s not really practical due to love for spread-chords across multiple scales. So the Elektron-way, while limiting in its own way, actually works the best for me (loved the Analog Keyā€™s way of working where you press a step and assign notes while still having visual feedback via the LEDā€™s above the keys).

True regarding Ableton Link - maybe a Wifi-Dongle via the USB host port would also work (though one would obviously need to sacrifice the USB host port for this).

Also, any information about how much power is transmitted through the USB host port (ie will it power my Blokas Midihub or Torso T1).

projects are on SD cardā€¦ so lots of projects can be stored.
just only two loaded/running :slight_smile:

so you can program chords this way using midi learn.

or you can program using their chord mode which is a fantastic way of introducing chord variation in. (basically has intervals , plus modifiers.

as for visual feedback, yeah, thats why Id like a fold notes mode for similar reason.

(oh, also if you are in Live view, and playing patterns , the pads will show up chords being playedā€¦ and also chord name)

that said, the left display is showing multiple octaves at a time, it kind of does fold the octaves not in the ā€˜windowā€™
basically there is a window on the left screen that shows what the pads are looking at.

also you have the harmonizer fx, which would allow you to program one note, then the ā€˜shiftsā€™ from that noteā€¦ so this would be pretty similar to octatrack.
AND that harmonizer parameters (so the note shifts) can be automated

you then also could follow that by the scaler fx to keep it in scale.

so there are ways :wink:

I think sequencers all have different workflows/designs , so theres always some adaptation in workflowā€¦ and I find often that change is inspiring, gets you to new places.
(or perhaps thats just my justification for having multiple sequencers :laughing:)


I understand that, now. On the post you replied to, I was trying to make the point that because they called it ā€˜2 projectsā€™ it leads to misunderstandings. If theyā€™d called it ā€˜Dual Projectā€™ or ā€˜project transitionā€™ or something other than ā€˜2 projectsā€™ it might have been less confusing.

Yes, thatā€™s correct. Doing it that way creates a tighter sync with daw audio.

I agree with Technobear ā€“ midi is fine for clock out (I use Poly 2 for clock distribution from Oxi One to modular). I donā€™t see this as a negative for Hapax.