Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

Can you do parameters lock without having to go to the automation view ? Like , press a step and enter a mod value ?

I didnā€™t say that at all. Also note the words ā€œfeels likeā€ in my post. This was without knowing much about it and only based on the teaser. One has a right to wonder.

This looks great and I loved the Hermod. I just donā€™t know how i could sell this to myself when i have a Digitone and an Octatrack and both of those are amazing sequencers in their own rights.

I get this probably has 10x the sequencer power, but I lack the ability to convince myself. What Iā€™m saying is: somebody make the case for me!

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Gotta say, I ordered this the second I heard Squarp had a new sequencer. Watching this video has me laughing - it looks so great. I already loved the pyramid but this looks like many many levels beyond. It looks like it will be so fun to use. The automation of rolls and ratcheting and math, etc looks incredible and the bread and butter stuff looks so nicely implemented.

Agreed. Hapax has a plastic body, with a metal plate, and lack of battery. it appears Squarp has released a studio instrument.

For the price, the solid aluminum body, relative diminutive size, and portability (they have a nice travel case as well) OXI One looks more appealing IMO.


Ah my bad! Thats good to know!

you mean 32 bars per pattern, right? per project seems like a serious limit?

I was so excited to see MPE sequencing. Then 5 min into Jeremyā€™s video: ā€˜I wonā€™t be showing MPE sequencingā€™ :laughing:. Also not much in the video on the dual projects unfortunately.

As I understand it:

  • Memory can hold two projects.
  • Each project can hold 16 tracks.
  • Each track can hold 8 patterns.
  • Each pattern can be up to 32 bars long (for scale, :3lektron: patterns can be up to 4 bars long).


It says track length is up to 32 bars. That means if you use 8 patterns (of equal length) none of them can be longer than 4 bars, right? Iā€™m wondering how much of a limitation that really is, considering I can fit about all of my tracks into half a OT/A4 bank each. But stillā€¦

I love the Pyramid and the Hapax looks really great. For now I donā€™t have the space for it but once the instrument definitions feature lands I might seriously consider making room for it.

Tracks length per patternā€¦ It doesnā€™t divide the entire track length with each pattern.

Every track can have 8 patterns, every pattern 32 bars

The note parameter are like this ā€¦ so pitch, length, velocity, roll, chance, maths ( trig cond) , micro time - everything else is automation (*)

Oh, fx parameters can also be per pattern. ( as well as being automated)

MPE editing will be different , itā€™ll be per note expression.

(*) more generally the hapax is not really ā€˜step basedā€™ā€¦
the tracks are polyphonic, and you could have lots of notes overlapping, or offset.
I think itā€™d be cpu intensive to start modulating (e.g) an fx chain by noteā€¦ where you could have lots of notes being played simultaneouslyā€¦
elektron can do this because it has steps.
(also with things like CC, non-mpe synths couldnt really handle it)



Hereā€™s a question out of leftfield that you may or may not know the answer toā€¦but many, like me who didnā€™t have $1000 lying around upon Hapax launch but were 100% committed to the product, sure want to know:

What is the delivery strategy for the global retailer network?

This is always a sticky subject in MI, because retailers want to enjoy selling this product to their customers, but if the manufacturer sells the lionā€™s share of a new product directly via their own website, they can strain relationships with retailers (think Analog Rytm launch 2014).

Iā€™d love to know if Squarp has planned stock to go out concurrently to their retail networkā€¦SO I CAN BUY ONE!

did you click on the dealers page on their website ?
its probably the same as pyramid etc, entirely depends on where you are too.

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The track length is up to 32 bars. Thatā€™s very different from saying ā€œThe track can hold no more than 32 bars total across its 8 tracks.ā€ But certainly the manual is not as clear as it could be around this point.

@thetechnobear Is the track length independent of the length of its patterns? Or is the ā€œlengthā€ of the track effectively the length of its currently selected pattern? The manual seems to indicate the latter, but the wording is awkward?

If track length is independent of pattern length, how does that effect playback of a pattern thatā€™s longer than the track? Shorter?

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Looks like a deluge without the subjectively crappy sound.

ok, so this altered during the betaā€¦ so that possibly why its a bit confusing.
as I alluded to when I said a few things that that are on ā€˜track settingsā€™ actually are now per pattern !

so the way it works is you can set the track length, and this is the default for any new pattern on that track, BUT you can change it. not only by adjusting the length, but for example by doubling the pattern.

(this default is useful, since in many cases, you do want to just say all new patterns on this track are 4 barsā€¦ so you donā€™t have to keep setting it before hitting record ;))

also, of course, if youā€™re using the looper then that will set the pattern length for the pattern you are recording.

so whilst Length/PC/Run/Trig appear at the ā€˜track levelā€™ , actually they are now pattern level parameter.

as often the case, words make it sound more complicated than it is :wink:


hereā€™s a funny thing, I thought Iā€™d test this out a bitā€¦ and there a funny Easter egg to be found if you do this (sorry, no reveal, you all have to find it yourself, as made me laugh!)

Iā€™m definitely calling my local Squarp reseller, but itā€™s a coin toss these days if retailers are fully kept in the loop about delivery strategies and schedules.