Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

Just received an email that my June batch Hapax order has been pushed back to September. Bummed out, but reserving patience.
In the meantime I’ve set up my trusty old Pyramid, so I am rocking a similar setup :slight_smile:

Forgive me if this had been discussed, but…

Having 8 entire 16 step grids to “live finger drum” a beat over a metronome on 8 Individual sounds seems super annoying and difficult and I’m guessing you’d end up just hitting random velocities and double triggering everywhere. What is that like?

i don’t get the sense that the drum grids were intended for actual live finger drumming. just a quicker more visual way of entering different velocities for a given step in programming the 8 drum track instruments


Live finger drumming on a hapax would be a masochists dream! Definitely not the right tool for the job. Although I would say if you really want to have random velocities and a lot of double triggers while finger drumming a new MPC is not a bad choice :-P. I’ve been seriously learning finger drumming and although I am never going to get rid of my MPC I can see now why machine is more popular for serious finger drumming.

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hey don‘t worry, it‘ll be a great device in September still… :stuck_out_tongue:

(Got the same email last week, felt the same)

At least on my unit, finger drumming on the Hapax results in double triggers. It would be nice if there was a sensitivity setting for the drum mode to allow for a more percussive touch.

Given the pads are not velocity sensitive, I don’t think it’d be possible to add a sensitivity setting.

I’m referring to a trigger span-like feature (like on the 404mkii) that filters out note on events which happen too close to one another to prevent double triggers.

Like others, Im not sure finger drumming on these kind of pads is going to be a great experience, due to small pads/lack of velocity. I prefer to use my Erae Touch -> Hapax.

can’t say Ive seen double triggers… but perhaps only happens if finger drumming.

send your request to Squarp (via their contact form) , see what they think.
they can tell you if its to be expected, and also come up with a good way to ‘solve’ it.

Waiting for this to arrive was a painful experience and had to 320 dollars tax when it finally made it to Australia…

But first impressions…
it was worth the pain, this thing is a next level sequencer I’m sure I’ll find the faults but man…


Congrats!!! Really excited to know you got yours, ie shipments are on their way. I’m in the batch that’s been moved to September, so I’m looking forward to your experience with the device, candy for the starved you know :slight_smile:


chord mode is brilliant auto inversions no mater how what you press it inverts from one to another, not dumbed down at all… drum mode is straight elektron with improvements…
only had it an hour but its intuitive if you watched the videos you know how to use it…


We knew we were going to get hit with duties - shouldn’t have been too much of a surprise?

But yeah, I love mine! Only had a bit of time to play with it but already inspiring me and giving me ideas and feels natural. What more could you want!


$320 dollars? Was not expecting that much…
It was $250 a few weeks ago for other people in Australia

Seriously Perfect Circuit? $9999?

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Firmware v1.10 v1.11 is out! Lots of great stuff in here, but definitely check out the updated manual for details on:


Ah the chord matching brings this in as a serious contendor to the Oxi and NDLR that both have similar harmonising features - that’s a juicy update!

Yeah, I don’t have an OXI or NDLR, but I’ve been reading about them. Chord matching was hard to understand reading it, and being a Pyramid guy I was always “Pfft. I’ll just use my scale FX, thanks.” But getting to actually play with it now (for just an hour or so) I can see now how this feels way more immediate and precise.

And sometimes I’m like “I need this to be in Dm whatever that sounds like” and sometimes I’m like “I need this to sound like this, whatever scale that ends up being”. So nice to have both options.


I have no idea what scales are … I do everything by how it sounds. I should probably stop hitting black keys for ‘moody’ … there are probably other keys :joy:

Good to see instrument definitions … i had a pyramid for a while and this feature seemed like such an obvious / basic thing to have … that no other device has.

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the change list is mighty impressive…
a nice combo of new features, quality of life changes and, of course, bug fixes.

we are seeing more new features with each release, which feels like theres probably less bugs being reported? so more time for new features, Im starting to see some of my ‘nice to haves’ coming thru :slight_smile:

what’s also surprising, is they (Squarp) have also released updates for Rample and Hermod - busy bees they are :honeybee: