Just received my DT. I immediately noticed that even with nothing connected to the inputs, if I record, there is a very “pink/white-like” noise that is recorded. Even with cables connected there is this noise underlying. Thankfully, once you record and the sample is normalized this noise floor is very low.
Anyone else seeing this? Just want to make sure I’m not the only one. OS 1.01.
By default the DT normalizes so yes, the recording was normalized. But, you can actually see the meter hopping before you ever record which seems wrong.
I’ll continue trouble-shooting and try some different cables, etc. as well.
The more I play with it I think it likely is normal - but even so, would be nice the interface could filter out the display of it. Maybe it can be considered a bug
not sure about OT, but on DT the input meter seems to be adaptive… so if there’s silence, it boosts the level so you can actually see the noise floor in the meter. Think this is so that you can better adjust the recording threshold…
I think it has to do with the variance in recording levels - say when I record a pad on the OP-1, and then a stab, the pad is much quiter so a lot more of the noise floor gets normalized … would be nice to be able to turn off normalize.