Status update on Digitakt OS

Yeah, they stated that the pattern-chain mode was supposed to be a “viable alternative” for songmode in DT. It was communicated at several occasions…

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That is quite a stretch.

The alternative to being told an OS update is imminent, but taking a little longer than expected, is not being told of any OS update, and not being given any timetable.

Most reasonable people appreciate Elektron despite some shortcomings. People who complain so much instead of just moving on don’t make any sense to me. Sell it if it causes you so much misery, and find yourself a better alternative for your $600 (I found one new for even less).


Sorry we are all not Elektron Historians. Some of us looked at the spec sheet & purchased the DT as their first piece of Elekrron gear. We did not purchase the DT so that we could be beta testers for an unfinished machine; that currently doesn’t allow you to back up projects or stem out tracks for mixing. These are basic functions on other hardware samplers.

We also didn’t scrape our money together so that one day in the future we might be able to fully use the equipment. We’re getting old here waiting & frankly it’s just not good enough.


Put simply - it doesn’t do what’s been promised yet. I hope it will - it’s awesome. But … awesome with significant caveats right now. A box this deep needs the ability to back it up!

It’s simply not the purchaser’s responsibility to get the product to meet its advertised specification, it’s the vendor’s. Some of us expected better and are currently disappointed. I didn’t expect perfection on day one - but the progress falls short of my hopes and expectations.

Like I say - lesson learned.


As much as i love elektron, DT is their only piece of gear i had to sell. I did few great shows with it but once i finished the internal memory i felt lost. I couldnt backup and move on, and this was september. M DT was just sitting there unused because i didnt want to screw my live projects. So i decided to record all the samples and sound one by one on my computer (took forever) and say goodby to the box. I will always support elektron, i had everything they built, but, guys, you cant give a musician something you cant backup, that’s too much.


Yeah, that’s the one that really makes me question the people defending elektron. I love the DT, my first piece of hardware actually. But not being able to backup projects, and not being able to get out individual tracks without sitting around recording single tracks with the others muted, waiting for conditional trigs to trigger, is kind of a big ask from users. Will keep it, but I’m not gonna feel like a dick for saying this could’ve been handled better.


haha song mode.

Then you aren’t using it to it’s fullest potential, or are employing some serious workarounds. Even Elektron has admitted there are MIDI bugs. My DT is “rock solid” if I use it gingerly. As soon as I start getting heavy with it, it barks out a safe word, I know I’ve reached the machine’s limit, and it’s time for some cool down.

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Keep rockn

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Golden unit. Hopefully Elektron sends some engineers to model your unit for the rest of us.

hell no, that’s asinine

i feel quite blessed atm actually. holding my 2 mo old baby girl, and don’t care a lick about the paperweight over there. but it’d be nice to know if i should sell it and put money into this precious babe’s college fund

I reckon keep it. you’ve not even had a chance to use it properly yet and I’m more than sure you’ll be able to replace that £400 or so by the time your kids in college, it’s really not a lot of money. Congrats on the baby

Well, if this thread is anything to go by, best to not leave it so long next time! :diddly:

in February 2018 it will be possible to have Overbridge for Digitakt???


Elektron continue to postpone the overbridge output, and after this announcement, I do not think I will be released in February as announced on the site, what do you think?

My guess: Digitakt late february and overbridge release will be pushed into august.

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