Staying productive in the studio when you're unmotivated to create

Thank you for the kind words and glad to be of help!

Take a break.

First thing I thought when I read your title.
Seriously, taking up some other sort of hobby… going for a run, yoga? Something that is not anything to do with music should breath life into it.

I began running. Something I’d never thought I’d do and something I need to get back to doing. It was a break away from the music space. I listened to music on the run sometimes. Focusing on something else allowed my subconscious to build up music ideas.

I remember when I studied interior design. We had to come up with an idea for a French chalet from what looked like a shed in the middle of nowhere. There I was in the room with all the students. They were getting kind of frustrated, one even sat there with her head in her hands. The air was getting thick so I took off. I went for a walk around my local cathedral, looked and listened to nature and the city along the way. When I got back everyone was like “Where have you been?” I said I took a walk and in that walk a bunch of ideas came to me. I sat down and finished the initial ideas. Some people were still there a week later frustrated.

But yeah… taking a break. Something everyone needs to consciously do.