Stereo distortion unit

the AH is awesome but if it’s just drums you’re treating, coming out of the M:S, I’d suggest the OTO Boum instead. still get awesome distortion, but you also get compression. and it’s cheaper than the AH. these are both decently expensive though (the AH is double the price of your M:S!), so my guess is you’d like something cheaper. maybe tell us your budget?

€300 or below would be nice. Could go higher for the right thing. I don’t want anything too complex (eg. The Sherman)

I have this… something interesting is that it can have (via the editor app) completely independent distortion types and settings for each side, with a mix control for each. Really “stereoizes” signals in an interesting way.

Another cool unit is the Landscape Stereo Field, Knobs and Andrew Huang have some nice reviews on YT. Totally bonkers.

The unit that I’ve REALLY wanted to get my hands on is the RML Jekyll&Hyde, LFO’d distorted filter mayhem in stereo.


In the video, he’s probably using the Eventide Space algorithm called MangledVerb (a Reverb with a Distortion).

This is an example of the M:C drums through an EHX Platform :

Edit : no post-production added. This is a straight Live recording from the Mains of M:C and DT.


Ssst don’t tell everyone about my secret sauce!


It too has a steep low pass filter that is always on when the pedal is engaged. Cuts everything above 12Khz. I returned mine because of this. Bad product? No, but I didn’t want the entire air region cut from my program. I purchased it to use across the master.

12 kHz or 16 kHz?

I find that it’s a plus because with Distortion, the High Frequencies get unpleasant to the ears.

Here’s an example (not from me this time) with the M:S.

Edit : I’m not trying to sell the product to you but give you references.

Another one with DT.


I’d have to look at my post with my spectrum analyzer shots. Might’ve been a bit higher than 12KHz but present nonetheless. I think my concern was more with how they market it as studio grade but omit that from documentation and were coy about their reasoning when asked.

Let you ears by the judge :wink: Not necessarily a bad product just not suitable for my intended purposes :slight_smile:


I’m hoping to convince my mate to build a stereo Rat with clipping options for processing my stuff - he made a gorgeous Revv G4 clone that smokes every other distortion I’ve ever used.

What I often do when using this pedal is layering, let say an HH from another device, that doesn’t pass through the pedal.

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I have a space that I haven’t plugged in for a while…

Blasphemy, but no need to spend more money.

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I think I’m getting a similar vibe from the OTO Boum. Like a subtle phasing of the distortion harmonics. Alas, Boum can only use the same type on both channels, but still they’re independent circuits.

Anybody recorded any drums through the strymon iridium?


How about Erica Synths Fusion Box? Stereo, analog, unpredictable. :wink:

New SA Pedal coming. Sounds interesting.

„Finally that Ultrawave has its own compressor, which can be placed before or after the drive circuits.“

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I’d love to hear more comparisons on AH, Acidbox 3 or a pair of Bogner Harlow pedals… I’ve got AH already, but I’m considering swapping it out for one of the other two! Largely for tracking stuff through (to add saturation and depth), but also for other fun…

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I also wanna know if anyone tried Iridium on drums :slight_smile: