Stereo Sum on Headphones while using separate Channels for Recording - Is this possible?


title says it all i think. Is there a way to hear the whole sum on the Headphones on the Rytm (as well as the Analog Four) while still having a multitrack setup for recording with Overbridge active?

The reason i ask this is: I have latency problems with my Analog machines. Even if i set the buffer size to 64 and lower the Margin where is still quite a bit of latency which prevents me from jamming live when i listen to the output of Ableton Live on Headphones. Quite normal i think if you consider that the roundtrip latency is around 25 ms in the lowest buffer setting on my system. But if i wanna jam live and record at the same time - this is really annoying, you know.

I havent found something in the manual here. So i need to ask you guys: Is there a way to do that? Having the sum playing on the Headphones while still managing individual channels for recording? Directly on the Hardware?

Thx for your help in advance

Can’t see how you would do this as the headphone output is just the main stereo output. If you have your track voices routed to the main outs in OB then you are doubling each voice (once through the main out, and one for each voice).

It would be different with the Octatrack as you could obviously use the cue outs for headphone monitoring, but that is an unhelpful comment as the OT isn’t, and never will be, OB enabled. But I say it merely as a way of highlighting the difference between the machines - namely the presence of any sort of cue out.

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yeah, expected that. Havent had a look into the sound architecture for the Rytm or the A4 for a long time. So i wasnt aware that the Headphone Output indeed is just looped into the Main Outs - Post Mixer so to say. Thats bad. I will have to work on my latency problems then. Anyway, thanks for your reminder! :slight_smile: