Stimming OT review

well the vibe of the video was “I love this thing, it’s the best! but when you ask if you should buy it my answer is: absolutely not, it sounds like shit. unless you want to also buy my mastering compressor which is double the price…”


I’m all for people saying negative stuff on reviews, but it needs to be accurate and factual not an opinion based on incorrect use that was later walked back anyway.

There are plenty of justifiable criticisms of the OT (or any gear for that matter) sound quality is not one of them though, at least for normal people, with normal ears, turn off time stretch and get the gain staging right, done.


More often than not, club PAs are the weak link, something even AHeat or the Stimming device can’t fix, unfortunately.


This!!! on a good soundsystem, a unprocessed tr8 will make people dance and scream!
On a bad System, no matter how good the Equipment is, its gonna sound like shit.

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Everyone is using a sampler with different goals. In my case it’s about 50% of the time creating sample content via foley and field recording with diverse microphone types. Preparing these sounds (no normalizing, so only -6dB) before they go into one of my hardware samplers. With neutral settings and no time stretching the sample content does sound less good on the OT. For me it’s like a bottleneck in sound quality.


Not to mention once it hits the streaming service/youtube etc, and listened to on earbuds or bluetooth or phone speaker :rofl:

@NoiseLab I’d be interested to hear examples.

Why don’t you post Audio examples to prove your point once and for all.


I just can’t get into his style of presenting. I think when he punched his Octatrack at the start of the video he broke his audio.


As I say, it’s subjective but I guess he is quite knowledgeable to know what he is talking about. And he always gets very emotional in his videos so I don’t get why a few take it so super serious.
At the end it is a high price machine so one could expect high class converters at least when they do an update like the limited black series.

It’s funny how lots of Elektron users are so serious and sensitive :grinning:

Besides the Octatrack and the Model series I like them all and it took quite a while until this happened for me.
The Digitakt for example sounds great. In my opinion the same sample in the Digitakt or my MPC Live always sounds way better in the DT.


Someone should make a thread about this!

I would not say I’m sensitive about it, just that I prefer to have the correct information, I don’t feel any need to justify liking the OT or defending it, I am serious about knowing any technical detail or operational detail about gear before purchasing, that is about it.


Exactly this, Stimming plays the OT live (two for a while) and as a touring musician he has learned to use the box for the functions he needs and cut out the rest. Not everyone has the compulsion to understand every aspect of a machine. I have that compulsion, and I know a lot of you guys do too, but I’m not a touring musician, I’m a nerd who makes music. :stuck_out_tongue:


If you review a device (in that case the OT), just make sure not to mislead or say wrong informations about an already complex Machine.

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I used to OT from 2011 until 2017 so no longer in possession of a OT. But we could create a topic where I can provide ‘raw’ sample content. Then it would also be possible for an extensive test with different hardware samplers that one is using (if people are prepared for something like this?). So we could not only judge on the sound quality but also get to impression about sound characteristics between different hardware. The sampler comparison test.

To keep it interesting it’s good to know about sound categories people would like to use?
Let me know how you people think about this idea or some suggestions to make this happen?

I much prefere the dry loop

in my head, for this thread, you all have german accents


What kind of German accent? Bavarian English accent is probably my all time favorite English accent. I could listen to Werner Herzog talk all day.


the real question is how many f*cks does stimmings have left in that jellybean jar he keeps next to him on the table because it looks empty


No surprise here really
It is obvious that a converter from 10 years ago does not sound good compared to a new generation of DAC.

OT is still a genius device and most probably when it will be discontinued a lot of people will want its sound or try to recreate it like it happened with Akai S950.

I think the review is a big hit for Elektron specially the part when he blames the Black edition still having the converter from 10 years ago.

Definitely not convincing someone ( not Elektron fan) in buying it.

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Really? Have there been any tests of this? I’m getting a little sick of people saying stuff like this without any real evidence.

edit: I mean pure tests. Not going through the entire signal path of the OT, where a whole bunch of factors may influence sound quality.