I recently setup all my Elektron devices via the plug ins in Logic Pro X, as my previous solution was not stable at all.
I have 4 Elektron devices running on a new project in Logic and my aim is to sync them from Logic, but i’d like to have the ability to be able to start/stop any synths solo from the rest, say to program a new track etc and then hit spacebar on my mac and everything start running. This seems to be working, but after a while, say i’ve had the synths paused for 5-10 minutes, i’ll come back and hit play on the mac but nothing will play. The only solution is to quit Overbridge Engine, turn the synths off then turn the engine back on and then the synths.
I have all the synths connected to my Mac and also to each other via Midi cable.
I’m so close to having my perfect setup, but this new headache needs ironing out.
Any help would be amazing