Hi, I’ve searched everywhere and I haven’t found any solution yet.
Here’s the deal: I want to synch my Octatrack’s arrangement to my Studio One timeline. Meaning, for example, that when I press play on the second verse on Studio One I want the Octatrack to play directly the second verse at the same timeline when Arr. is ON.
Right now anywhere I play the track, the Octatrack’s arrangement starts at the beginning
The crazy thing it that I tried it one year ago and it was working. It’s also working perfectly with Logic.
I tried all the configurations in the Octa and in Studio one with no success.
Maybe it has to do with SPP which is activated in Logic, but I can’t see anything about it in S1.
If anyone has a clew it would really help ! I’ve been on this for days thank you
Thank you, yes that’s what I thought. It works perfectly with logic. Maybe the latest Studio One versions don’t support SPP, but that’s weird, I should ask them.
Use a midi monitor to look at what your DAW sends to the OT. That’s the best way to debug such issues. My guess is that there’s an option in Studio One that overrides the “Continue” RT message which is necessary for an external device to start at the Song Position Pointer. (SPP is sent first, followed by a “Continue” message).
If Studio One sends a “Start” RT message instead, the external device will always “rewind” and start at bar1 beat1. Such an option makes sense when acting as a master transport for external pattern based sequencers as opposed to arrangement based sequencers or linear audio recorders/secondary DAW’s etc
Hi. I’m sorry it took me one year to answer you, I didn’t see your answer. Thank you.
I still have the same problem. I went back to logic just for that but S1 fits my wolkflow better.
So, i checked the midi monitor and, actually, it sends a spp message with a negative -1000 time value each time I press stop. Then followed by a clock continue.
I guess the problem comes from there. Any clue of what I’m doing wrong ?