Surgeon Q&A

I don’t have them myself, but they do sound real nice and crunchy in the demos I’ve heard.

Having said that I think they’re going through some dirt in his system.

Could be right.

Additionally, I am pretty certain all of those tiptop drums have a distortion dial.
The clap has a trash knob and the hats have modulation. Might be his system plus something to do with the modules.

You may have mentioned before at @Fin25 but what exactly do you use your OT for? I know I’ve read it somewhere. :face_with_monocle:

Mixing, FX, four sample tracks and an occasional bit of MIDI control.

I’m not doing anything crazy with it yet, keeping it quite simple at the minute.

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I hear ya!
So all the other gear runs through the Octatrack? Then that goes to the speakers? What effects on the Thru machines, mate?

Yeah, everything through the OT.

I’m using heavy compression and a tiny bit of plate reverb on the DFAM, Chorus and delay on the QS and a bit of delay and either phaser or flanger on the FS. The Lyra goes through the Quadraverb before hitting the OT, where it gets filtered/EQ.

Oh yeah, the DFAM is running through an FSS gristleizer VCA to dirty it up a bit as well before it hits the OT.

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Ace mate… ace!

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Oh nice; I bet that’s filthy.

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It is

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Elektron-users alum! :heart:

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Surgeon has a new album out this Friday:

I’ve just booked my ticket to see him in London (Printworks) on Easter Sunday too (hope the trains are running :grimacing: )