Switch patterns via pgm change before pattern cycle is finished?

hi, i did a quick search regarding my question but couldn’t find a thread addressing it, so maybe someone can answer it for me…

i’m sending program change messages from the ot to the a4 and the ar, which works fine as long as i only change patterns at the end of a pattern (in my case each pattern lenghth is 32 steps on all three machines).

what does not work is changing patterns after 16 steps (i.e. at half the pattern lenghth). while the ot changes patterns fine (pn change is set to 16/16), a4 and ar first play the full 32 steps of their respective patterns before switching to the new pattern. i’ve also set the master change value to 16 on both a4 and ar, and that works as it should when i change patterns on the machines themselves, but not via program change from the ot. how can it be done?


bump – still don’t know why this won’t work…