Sync to Ableton --- frustrating

Hey guys,

I am trying to sync my Monomachine (sfx6) to ableton. It just won’t recognize the clock ableton sends (?)…

I am asking ableton (8) to send ext clock through midi and when I access the global menu, slot 1, control in_tempo sync: ext midi clock… it just shows on the tempo indicator EXT for some seconds and comes back to the bpm inside MNM…
Am I missing something here?
I have an AKAI EIE, sending the midi signal, it works perfectly with my other gear (DSI Mopho and Minitaur), but it just won’t work on my MNM…


Thank you guys :rage:
(Sorry in advance if this subject is being repeated as focq)

just a little side note…guess what will happen to the arp after you stop any midi sequencing :stuck_out_tongue:

Dunno, will stop? I cant midi anything :sob:

Dunno, will stop? I cant midi anything :sob: [/quote]
It’ll keep going, like the energizer bunny.

Dunno, will stop? I cant midi anything :sob: [/quote]
It’ll keep going, like the energizer bunny.

rebel, isn’t he? hehehhe

I also have a horrible ableton midi fucking start stop do what I say elektron day …


went off to buy a Midi Monarch second hand … would have been a 2x 1 hour drive … the guy calls me half way and tells me he cannot find the box …

back to square one now … cant be bothered to try again today … finest MM base patch I ever made (and yes, I did use the ARP … figured if I make 2 kits and turn off the tracks with the arp, it sounds like the arp is stopping …)

I have to first start ableton and AFTERWARDS the A4 … otherwise pressing play on ableton does not start my midi daisy chained elektron madness!

Ok yall i figured it out…

I just had to press play on both at about the same time, because MNM opens a window of few seconds to receive the clock hehe… felt quite stupid of being so long without understanding this (even after reading many times the manual) hahahaha…

Now everything is in sync and the track is ready here :

The MNM arps start on the second brake

Also, if you set transport to on in the control in menu on the Mnm it should start the Mnm sequencer when pressing play in Ableton.

Great that was just what was missing! Mine (Sfx6) just has options out and off… thanks anyway s p a c e tent