SYNTAKT Bugs Thread

The envelopes work here, are you sure that you haven’t muted the FX track

In any case - it won’t help to resolve it unless you describe steps and setup

As ever, always sanity test in a new project with nothing else connected to rule out changed settings

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What you’re experiencing here is the delayed response to your input

The shortcut to quick Mute Mode is {hold}[FUNC] then tap/toggle green Track buttons

When you press the FUNC ‘shift’ key it is doing this until you follow up with TRK which opens the Keyboard view

If you hold Func+Trk you get the Keys setting menu

I haven’t tried TRK+FUNC - but there’s no reason to, it’s not a valid input combination

If it’s crashing the machine it’s an oversight/bug that needs reporting/fixing

My fault… the FX was muted.
It works as expected.
Thank you.


That is strange, since it is for some time the quick way I get into temporary Mute Mode when I’m in Step Mode. This also works on Digitakt. It does not work on the Digitone. It worked in Syntakt 1.0

It feels quite important to quickly go from Setp Mode to Mute Mode and back.

And in the 1.01 it works the wrog way around as FUNC+TRK but that clashes with the Keyboard Mode

From the manual:


You can use MUTE mode to mute any of the 13 sequencer tracks (including the FX track). All tracks are
accessed simultaneously. Press any of the [TRIG] keys to mute the corresponding track. Press again to
unmute. The color of the [TRIG] keys indicates its tracks mute status. Dimmed keys signify muted tracks.
Lit keys signify unmuted tracks.
There are two different versions of MUTE mode on the Syntakt:


In GLOBAL MUTE mode, the muted tracks are muted in all patterns, and the trig [TRIG] keys are lit green.
Press [FUNC] + [BANK] to enter GLOBAL MUTE mode. If a track is muted in GLOBAL MUTE mode, the
track’s [TRIG] key LED will flash green when the pattern plays.


In PATTERN MUTE mode, the muted tracks are muted only in the active pattern, and the trig [TRIG] keys
are lit purple.
Press [FUNC] + double-tap [BANK] to enter PATTERN MUTE mode. If a track is muted in

mode, the track’s [TRIG] key LED will flash purple when the pattern plays.
Press [FUNC] + [BANK] to exit MUTE mode.
The GLOBAL MUTE mode settings are saved together with the project. The PATTERN MUTE mode
settings are saved together with the pattern.

In MUTE mode you mute the trigs on the sequencer tracks, not the audio on the tracks.

• You can also use QUICK MUTE to mute and unmute sequencer tracks. Press and hold
[FUNC] and then press the [TRACK] keys to mute or unmute tracks.
• Syntakt remembers the last used version of MUTE mode and will access this one first
when you press [FUNC] + [BANK]. This also applies to QUICK MUTE.

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I fixed the quote in that post for clarity

TRK+FUNC may indeed have worked for you, but i think that was the bug - FUNC should not have been selectable, and it no longer is

If you want to access Mute Mode, then you have to do so with the Normal Mute mode entry method


then after you release FUNC

FUNC+BANK to return to Step edit mode

FUNC+TRK shouldn’t work the wrong way round

It only provides Keys mode (when you release)

If it’s doing any shortcut to Mute then that’s the unintended behaviour

FUNC in any other mode is for Temp Mute

Describe your exact steps in order for it to be confirmed, but essentially you’d be consigning your hack to history as it’s not intentional as a shortcut

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Well I was talking about a quick way to temporarily enter the Mute Mode when you are in Grid Recording ( sorry my wording was not correct there ). TRK+FUNC worked and it is very useful. I can’t see a reason to take it away.
You can try it on the Digitakt where it still works.


I just tried this on digitakt and it does indeed work the way you said in grid mode! Hitting TRK+FUNC does show you mute mode on digitakt! Does not work on syntakt for some reason! Weird that there’s no mention of it in the digitakt manual either but it does work.

Also they need to reword the manuals I believe for digitone, digitakt and syntakt because when they say [FUNC] + [TRACK] it’s a bit confusing. They’re calling “track” a trig key, and not the [TRK] button.

“You can also use QUICK MUTE to mute and unmute sequencer tracks. Press and hold
[FUNC] and then press the [TRACK] keys to mute or unmute tracks.”

I would have worded it something along the lines of:

You can also use QUICK MUTE to mute and unmute sequencer tracks. Press and hold
[FUNC] and then press any [TRIG] to mute or unmute them.

Because FUNC+TRK does nothing but enter keyboard mode.


My guess is that it got mixed up in the 1.01 update. It was working fine in the version before. And you must admit, it is damn useful.


Not sure if this is a bug. When I preview some of the quick preview some of the sounds using [ FUNC ] + [ YES ] while the track is playing, they seem to execute at total full volume and ignore the master volume pot. For some percussive sounds this makes me want to throw my headphones across the room. I’m not sure if this is by design or if this is all inside of my head.

Whilst this makes no sense to me as the output is attenuated by the pot, If that was the case, then why would it be some and not others and secondly if the volume pot was zeroed, it would still happen (if ignoring said pot)

Probably worth loading a ‘loud’ sound and a ‘normal’ one on a couple of tracks and compare their relative volumes. They’re probably just configured very differently or have resonant filters or something


Ah, I will do the comparison of ‘loud’ and ‘normal.’ If I can reproduce the issue I will make a video and post it here. As you’ve said there might just be a large relative gap between the way the two are gain staged. I do wish there was some of safe mode so I wouldn’t have to worry about blowing my ears out or having to turn down the master output when previewing new sounds.

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Want to see if anyone has any thoughts on this one:
MIDI track trig preview only plays root note.

When I place a trig on a MIDI track, I can preview it by hitting [TRIG] + [YES]. All good.
However, if I add notes 2, 3, or 4, the preview still only plays the root note, not any of the others. Playing the sequence plays all notes as expected, but not the preview.
For frame of reference, my Digitakt plays all notes during a preview.


Ok elektron wrote back and confirmed this is a bug @avantronica

"Hi Brock,

I have now confirmed this bug and reported it to our developers. It should indeed close automatically after a few moments. Thanks for finding it for us!

Kind Regards,

Patrik - Elektron"


Loading and saving sounds seem to not work right anymore after the update.

I usually do this:

  • make a sound (let’s say on track 5)
  • go to save sound
  • syntakt thinks i want to save into sound bank C for whatever reason, so I …
  • hit 9 to jump to sound bank A
  • rotate level knob to further navigate
  • hit save

this always worked, but it doesn’t work anymore. hitting 9 still jumps to sound bank A, but then saves the sound of track 9 (!) and not the sound I had selected before (track 5 in this example).

Edit: I also noticed in other contexts that skipping to another sound bank doesn’t work at all anymore with the 9-16 buttons (while in the example above it looks like it does two things at once: jump AND select another track.)

Granted I still don’t know how a lot of things work and might go the wrong ways. For example, I’d like to load a sound, make small changes and overwrite the old version. So far I don’t see any other way than to load the sound, and after making adjustements do all those steps from my example above (including having to memorize the name of my current sound so i won’t overwrite the wrong sound) and so on and so on …

Not quite, it’s simply offering you the first available slot (just happens to be somewhere in C). If it’s not been wiped of factory sounds then Bank A and B will be fully populated.

By pressing 9 (selecting Track 9) in your steps it explains how track 9’s sound is getting saved

But if you’re reporting a bug you should describe what exactly isn’t working properly (with steps to have someone confirm/advise)

There may be buggy behaviour but it’s trickier to assess against a partial description

You need to press Bank + 9 to select Bank A - this should be documented somewhere

Sounds like you sussed a bit of this, I was a change iirc in 1.01

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Thank you! That explains it. In almost all places, the manual just says this:

“Press [TRIG 9–16] to select sound bank A–H.” - And this worked pre-1.01

Elektron are really the kings of key combinations! I should try to glue all those keys down (“YES” so it’ll always play my sounds when sequencing, “BANK” so it’ll always switch banks etc.) and see what happens :stuck_out_tongue: Disclaimer: Humour.

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The current :wink: manual says …

After you edited the parameters of a sound, you can save it to the +Drive.

  1. Press [FUNC] + [PATTERN MENU] to open the MANAGE menu.
  2. Select SAVE SOUND, and then press [YES].
  3. Turn the LEVEL/DATA knob or use the [UP]/[DOWN] keys to select an empty slot to where you want to save your sound, and then press [YES]. If you want to save your sound to another bank, press [BANK] + [TRIG 9–16] to select a bank.
  4. On the NAMING screen, name your sound and then press [YES]. For more information, please see “7.8 THE NAMING SCREEN” on page 22.
  5. On the TAGS screen, use the [ARROW] keys and [YES] key to select the appropriate tags for your sound, and then select and press [YES].

To be fair, this should have been mentioned in the release notes, it wasn’t !

I believe it mirrors another device’s workflow now - so some maybe guessed

Always worth downloading the manual after any update or periodically

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( … the quote above is from the current manual and is to be found in various places :wink: )

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Ah okay … If anything’s in error, inconsistent or ambiguous it can be flagged up on the Elektron Documentation Thread for the attention of the author

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