Syntakt hardware critique

…guess so… :wink:

top notch class global fame dj’s have a techrider…with their standards listed there… always privided by the tour management anyways… no need to own them…
while the average dj, from serious hobby to average pro is working with the standards provided by the venue… at least in the real world…

what ur referring to, is high class hobby meets rare occasions…

the point is…some tools are standards…and they simply must be designed to be rock solid in various hands 24/7…

I dunno we’re just talking about different kinds of performers. A lot of Friday night DJ’s will just be using house gear but I’m talking about performance DJ’s - they arrive with a flight case.

I don’t think most hybrid folks get a rider, but they still bring their A&H DB4 along with their Digi boxes to gig with.

They might plug it into a house mixer to reach the speakers but no serious performer is using the sticky house XONE:92 to do proper work with.

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Yes I have a rider as well, but it doesn’t help me when sweating in a hot club.
Guess I will have to get these:


…u don’t get a rider, as a performer…u write and send out one…

Yea man, get a rider, as in have the ability to create and distribute one.

We are way off topic :joy: :rofl:

…a&h’s xone series became top notch industry standard these days…truu…
while pioneer still rules with their cd/usb decks… that much common ground we’ve found…
plus that off topic factor…i agree…so let’s agree to dissagree…and let’s move on…1st of may TOMORROW…!!!’s gonna be a hot and long night…


…if u got those…u defenitly never have to worry about dropping sweat ever again… :wink:

so all what’s left to take care of…no people placing their drinks near to u…

and as mentioned…even those most prooven industry standard tools would not survive any full fledged drink spill attack…end of the night…

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In my experience this dreaded full on spill almost never happens…I mean somebody has to want to harm your gear to pour a dangerous amount of liquid on your precious elektrons. Just take a clean cloth with you and give them a wet wipe after the show.

I’m pretty sure that, if you sealed up the top buttons on the ST, you’d almost definitely have to put vents on it somewhere, which opens up similar risks for spillages/liquid ingress in sweaty clubs.

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I was concerned with this on my Digitone too, but I’m sure they’re more durable than we think. Not many reports of faulty Elektrons in general.

The ST is probably the most durable *takt box since it reportedly gets hotter. Humidity, and even a theoretical drop of sweat will evaporate in no time.

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When i was a mobile DJ with twin turntables in the early 80’s spillages were acceptable but frowned upon. But try telling that to a 15 stone Rugby player built like a shit house. :rofl:

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button holes in the case are slightly larger than prior takt size machines.

preferable to a few months of seasoning-in the switch caps to rid oneself of sticky keys by wearing down the plastic.

today I had to sent my syntakt back after having it for 20 days because analog track 1 had gone bad. filter emits noise, no problem with the same settings on the other tracks…

Did you sweat on track 1?

Hope you get it back soon. <3

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It did happen on a hot and sweaty night indeed