Syntakt vs LXR-02

Thank you for the in-depth comparison! this is really helpful. I think if I had to choose over just the lxr and the syntakt for my main drum machines I would definitely go with the syntakt. It is tough to justify with a machine like the analog rytm already. From your comparison I am leaning towards lxr for that unique sound, but I’m in no rush to spend more. I was honestly just curious how they compared.

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I was thinking about that too. I had a model samples originally and really liked it but I felt like it was not deep enough, but It was definitely a gateway drug into this ecosystem. I will look more into it!

Very different drum machines, as mentioned the LXR is quirky aggressive and sometimes not straight forward but always yields interesting results. I’ve been wanting to work on some smoother sounding drums from the LXR. If you don’t have ANY other drum machines the Syntakt can do a lot, I sold mine though, because the my AR2 covers all of its sonic potential, I have no need for the synth machines. I was hoping the Syntakt would do sounds closer to the Nord Drum instead it’s an overpriced Model:Cycles with some DigiTone machines thrown on top. LXR is great if you’re producing aggressive sounding beats. I’d probably recommend a Digi or AR2 if you want to explore Elektron path, and overbridge is excellent. My best sounding drum machine is my old Jomox xbase, that kick is mean!


I have to say it again, but I have owned the Model:Cycles and now own the Syntakt, and I don’t find them at all comparable.

On another note, I keep thinking of adding the LXR 02 to my setup, and wonder if I can easily sequence the LXR 02 from my Circuit Tracks, in other words if I can play the LXR 02’s instruments via midi notes on one channel?

Seems like it’s even the default mode! :wink:


Only problem: midi cc only works over the global midi channel you set inside lxr.
if you want to play a lxr channel chromatic and midi cc it you need 2 channels.

i made a retrokit firmware:


one of my first thoughts: volca drum (which i always put through distortion) sounds more expensive, thanks to the resonator.

it (the resonator) is just a genius thing to put into a drum machine, and i am longing for having it in the syntakt.


Yes, I regret its huge kick but for me it was the only really interesting sound.
I didn’t like Mbase 11 at all.

I really like Syntakt kick possibilities, stacking the digital and analog machines…much more versatile than Xbase 09, for sure…but seems less powerful, dynamic. Probably needs a compressor…:thinking:

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envelope on the kick = compressor

I use it sometimes (mostly on snares) but to my ears it doesn’t have the same energy…

And I was refering to AR compressor…:wink:


I would get a Rytm over these. But with a dozen drum modules in my eurorack setups, no need.

envelope on the kick = pumping sidechain effect

A compressor can be used for more than just that.

Off-topic, but happened to be recording something else and got curious about resonator: I think that v. low delay times (around 1/128), high feedback (90s) and playing with filter gets one pretty close to the “wave guide” resonator controls on Volca Drum at least from what I’d seen in reviews about it?

Starting dry and then moving those three settings (and nothing else) around here:


no, i mean the kicks own envelope.

which equals putting a compressor on the kick.

example: make the attack so short that the transient cuts through the mix, then adjust the sustain so it is still audible.

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unfortunately it has to be a lot faster than 1/128. btw., the resonator is more akin to what mutable instruments rings does. delay speed is yet another parameter i‘d like to be more open up to extreme values in an updates.

that and detune, fm tune, …

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Ah I thought you were talking about an additional exp/one lfo on VOL.
Can be snappier than ADSR I think…

Btw I like to use this kind of lfo on OVERDRIVE (I used to do it with AR), and it seems to work nicely with Syntakt analog kicks, probably with digitals…

And I’m still not sure if it can replace a compressor…

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Yeah, but with the compressor of the Digitakt you can do more than that. You can sort of glue everyhing together a bit if you want. And if you are in for sidechaining you can do that a bit more accurate because there’s also an eq for the sidechain. So you can set it that it only reacts to high or low frequnecies.
I think the DT compressor would also work very well on the Syntakt.

oh btw i am returning the lxr-02, because i became better and better in making all those sounds with my syntakt.


Is syntakt filter analog?

Ok you got me intrigued here, can you go as harsh and brutal with the Syntakt than LXR02? Until now, I only heard kind of boomy, smooth hits coming from the Syntakt. I hope you will realize some tracks/demo soon :star_struck:

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definitely! Playlist

i’ll be back home in two weeks, ready to go brutal :innocent: