Taking a break from Elektronauts?

Probably had something to do with enslaving their own people or the people from other tribes

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With zero hour contracts yes.

… you seem to enjoy to be in good company … :smiley: so don’t break … try to control it.

Before I stopped smoking … ages ago … I asked myself, are there moments, where I am yearning to smoke? I identified some typical and repeating situations … changed them … and successfully stopped it. Okay … this was telling a long story short and maybe it reads to be too easy to work, but it worked for me.


I like checking in here to see what’s up w/ cool gear and stuff.

As far as getting shite done, I’ve been spending a lot of time lately working through courses/tutorials. Quite a bit of it is career related - trying to upgrade myself a job candidate: CMU’s database design class on Youtube, a Coursera class on Python coding for beginners, how to deploy to AWS (most of those already out of date, sadly), Angular coding, etc.

Some of it is for music like how to use MI Marbles. miRack, etc. I got a temporary All Access pass on TrueFire.com so I’ve been auditing courses I don’t already own there too.

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Really good post - thanks for sharing!

In a similar boat to you re suspicion of some form of ADHD, but I’ve only looked at a few online resources - happen to know any resources you’ve found useful?

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This forum is my form of relaxation. But then I’ve never really had a problem with setting myself goals and getting shit done. For example, right now I’m mixing 12 tracks from the bottom up, which is taking me about 2-3 days per track, depending on how much freelance writing I’ve also got to do. So whenever I bounce down a rough mix to listen back on shitty EarPods or complete a section of freelance, I come out on the balcony (like right now), have a cigarette and coffee and naturally come here to see what’s new. I hate spending time on my phone and not learning anything new, so this is the perfect forum for that phone time. Facebook is a wasteland and it will usually annoy me within 10 mins or less. YouTube is good for learning. Instagram takes 15 mins per day max as my band don’t follow too many people on there. In fact, I only go on them when nothing’s happening here. For some strange reason, it almost grinds to a halt between 2am and 6am (CET). Maybe there are more European users than Americans? :thinking:


What I have noticed is that a lot of threads on here are about decisions regarding gear, have I bought the right thing, what do you guys think of this how do you guys do that. Instead of making music, mixing and learning the gear you’ve got.

I noticed I did something similar a while ago when I thought about how much time I had spent watching YouTube-tutorials about compression, different compressors, eq, all that jazz. Compared to the amount of time I actually spent practicing with the tools, gaining experience and honing my skills.

Not that there’s anything wrong with watching tutorials or asking for input on a forum. But I think it’s easy to spend more time thinking about creating music and the related skills than actually practicing. And this forum can be one of the ways in which one ends up doing that.

Jeeze that was convoluted


I’ve more or less cut out Wi-fi at home. Or at least requiring a valid reason to go online if I do.
I try to go to the library whenever I actually need to get something done online. Which is shockingly seldom, if I’m being really honest.
It’s done wonders for my concentration. Even made me rediscover meditation. But my existential dread is through the roof :slight_smile:


You can run … but you can’t hide.


I use an app called Freedom to block all of my forums and distracting sites from 10-5 each day. That gives me a chance to check all the distractions over morning coffee before I get into it.

There are free options as well. I previously used StayFocusd when I was on Chrome. I switched to Freedom since it also blocks sites on my phone as well, even if I’m out of the house.


I use Kaspersky for the kids phone. The free version is good but it doesn’t allow for exact times of the day to block.

Thinking of putting one on my own.

…and making it so your kids are the only ones who know the password to let you online?

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Great post. I just sent this my gf who has ADHD/ADD. There’s some great advice in there!


Correct. Mutual assured destruction.

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when working/making music i mostly tend to either disconnect from the internet or use a different computer than the one i usually use to do most of the web related activities, including looking at the forum; although checking the forum/s is sometimes also like taking a little break, as long as it doesn’t interrupt the flow tooo much, especially when making music :slight_smile:

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