Tanzbar+A4 = techno

This is a Techno track live recording with some editing before I head off to malayisa. free to download…
MFB tanzbar- everything but base line
Analog 4 - bass line
moog moogerfooger clusterflux-fx
rme fireface
ableton- edting

Heard this earlier today while checking out your SC page.

Great stuff, as usual! As much as I love doing music with just the A4, I can’t wait to get my hands on the Tanzbär. They make a great pairing.

cool thanks Barfunkel, the tanzbar is great. yea I bet the stuff you make with it will be sweet. the tanzbar is also just as fast as the a4 as far as work flow so you will just crank stuff out !

this track I made it in 2 1/2 hour

Hey Peoplemuver, cool track again.

Just got my Tanzbar! I’m also planning to use A4/Tanzbar as my main setup for a while. (Eventually I’ll integrate OT in the mix, but I want to really learn the two analog boxes first)

Anyway, have you messed around with knob recording on the Tanzbar yet? I’m having trouble getting it to work, even following the instructions in the manual directly. Let me know if you’ve had any luck. Thanks!

not bad i’ll subscribe to your soundcloud. i have a tanzbär as well.

hey Jamrod,

I didnt get the knob recording working but ill mess with it more sometime. their is new manual on the tanzbr/mfb site that gives good explanation of it. the old manual was bonkers! since the knob recording only works for one bar i havent found use for it…yet

the tanzbar is a bangin machine

As I read your posts I start wondering if the Tanzbär (dancing bear) was named with the inevitable international spelling in mind. :astonished:

As a composite noun Tanzbar would be a bar to dance in.
As an adjective tanzbar would mean “dance-able” (music).

Your track surely is the latter. :wink:

Hey, Sounds Great!!
So, since you have both: Tanzbär Kick or Mbase 11 if only one?

Thanks slcrz,

If I had to chose just one, well it would depend on the type of music I was doing. The tanzbar has two kicks which make it very versatile . But I find jomox mbase11 even more versatile. The mbase is better for harder hitting kicks tanz is great for 909 or 808. They both have a diffrent tone.

For more hard techno projects I’d pick jomox mbase11

For more house or tech I’d pick tranzbar.

Really should get both since you can controll the mbase 11 with the tanzbar.

Great work man. Cool track.

thanks Zynthesist !