Tartini Electronic production contest! (/w sampels & prizes)

I have much more votes than you here ! :content:

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“votes”? what is this concept? i live in the UK and i long for this “democracy” system that i have read about on Wikipedia


They are being counted as we speak ! Then a search for fraud will begin. Followed by a big protest in front of Elektron HQ.

(I expect it will take a week or two before we get a result)


Then starts the long process of gathering enough parties to have a majority, with government forming only taking 2-3 months of negotiations


At the time of uploading, here’s where i was with the brief attempt:

Anyone else who would like to share their own take?


wanna share how you made it? do i hear some weird modular bloopiness going on there?

Well I have to remember the process as it was a fast one and i currently don’t have the gear with me.

I just used the OT to sequence some samples provided in the pack. The percussions at the beginning are from the pack and create a rhythm when brought together.
Some violin samples are sequenced and processed so i can get an harmony. Alternatively, some tracks are sent to a Microcosm FX (the “weird modular bloopiness” :wink: ).
The bass is a sample i mangled quite heavily to try to fit in.


I guess UK will have used 4 prime ministers by the time any news drop :wink:


four prime ministers AND song mode


I Am still waiting for a response. I’ll keep updating this topic once I know more or not.


I think we’re looking at 5 PMs, 2 song modes and a third digitakt LFO + a mod matrix :thinking::joy:

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Legend says they’re still debating if they shall really give out the results as it may have an impact on the course of events on the old continent… or they just partied too hard with the submissions and are still recovering :wink:

starting to feel sad for all the people (myself included) who had a go at this competition, not seriously expecting to win, but just in the hope that their efforts were going to be critically listened to, and for the fun of competing, and hearing what the winners came up with. not your fault @DaveMech but i can’t be the only person bummed out by this.

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I’m feeling really bad about this situation :frowning: I’m trying to contact the organizer but at this point I’m basically being ghosted. I will try to call him next week… maybe something going on in his life I don’t know.
Everything was well organized in Slovenia so I’m not sure what’s going on.

Really sorry about this.


ah, god only knows what’s going on then. shit happens, you never know what’s going on in someone’s life. thanks for the update Dave


Hate to say it but that was a bit of a red flag for me. But hopefully something still works out.

us creative types can be notoriously flakey. no harm done really if it doesn’t work out, just posted to keep the thread (and the hope) alive!

I wouldn’t have said that if it wasn’t legit though. I traveled to Slovenia and performed there, helped set up this contest by creating the sample pack etc. And got paid for the all the work I’ve put into it all.


Well firstly I should make a point of saying I wouldn’t doubt you for a minute mate, you’re a top guy.

But the ‘prize to be determined’ took my mind immediately to all those ‘don’t worry you’ll be rewarded for your work one way or another’ scenarios that plague the creative industries.

Glad to hear they’ve taken care of you. Perhaps the prize will emerge eventually


Yeah good point it. It does feel like that now :confused:

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